The Book of Gehn

Follow up: Length Extension Attack on SHA-224

April 9, 2023

In the previous post we reviewed why and how an extension length attack is possible on some hash function and how we can use it to break a prefix-keyed MAC.

Long story short: when the full internal state of the hashing is exposed, an extension attack is possibly.

So hash functions that don’t expose their internal state are okay, right?

Yes in general but the devil is in the details

SHA-224 does not expose its full state and it is one of those “safe” hash functions (sometimes it is found in the literature as such) but…

In this quick post we will see why SHA-224 is vulnerable to length extension attack even if its internal state is not fully exposed.

What is SHA-224?

SHA-224 is based on SHA-256.

It has 8 uint32_t registers like SHA-256 but the hash digest is made of all except the last register, yielding hashes of 224 bits instead of 256 bits.

At first glance this truncated output should prevent a length extension attack but take a closer look.

Only 32 bits are missing!

Scenario setup

Like in the previous post, we will assume a login() function that verifies the authenticity of a login request, this time using SHA-224

>>> login_req = B('user=john;comment=cheese')
>>> mac = prefix_key_hash(sha224, key, login_req)

>>> login(login_req, mac)
Logged as normal user

The attack

From the digest we extract 7 of the 8 state registers. Only 2 unknowns remains: the length of the original message (including the secret key) and the value of the 8th register h7

>>> h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 = extract_hash_fun_state(mac)
>>> ('%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x' % (h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)) == mac

Brute-forcing \(2^{32}\) is perfectly possible but a little slow for me so I would do some cheating: the magic number 777489100 was picked on purpose to speedup the things.

We compute the Cartesian product of the two IntSpace to describe any possible message length and h7 combination:

>>> from import IntSpace, product

>>> minimum = len(login_req)
>>> msg_length_space = IntSpace(minimum, minimum+256, start=minimum+16)

>>> h7_space = IntSpace(0, 0xffffffff, start=777489100)

>>> params_space = product(h7_space, msg_length_space)

As before we need an oracle function to tell us if a particular message length/h7 combination produced a valid MAC or not:

>>> def is_ok(params):
...     h7, msg_length = params
...     pad = pad_like_sha224(msg_length)
...     new_mac = sha224(b'', h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, forged_message_len=msg_length+len(pad))
...     new_login_req = login_req + pad
...     return login(new_login_req, new_mac, verbose=False)

Explore the parameters space

>>> from cryptonita.attacks import search

>>> brute_forced_h7, guessed_msg_length = search(params_space, is_ok)    # byexample: +timeout=30

>>> (brute_forced_h7, guessed_msg_length)
(777489071, 30)

And finally forge the MAC and profit!

>>> ext = B(';admin=True')

>>> pad = pad_like_sha224(guessed_msg_length)

>>> new_login_req = login_req + pad + ext

>>> new_mac = sha224(ext, h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, brute_forced_h7, forged_message_len=guessed_msg_length + len(pad) + len(ext))

>>> login(new_login_req, new_mac)
Logged as admin

Final thoughts

We were lucky: for SHA-224 only 32 bits are missing. Other truncated hashes are much harder to break.

For example SHA-512/224 is the 224 bits version based on SHA-512: 228 bits are missing!

Nevertheless take this as a lesson: do not overlook, sometimes you may find vulnerabilities and attack vectors just by seeing the things closely.

Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, hash, extension

Follow up: Length Extension Attack on SHA-224 - April 9, 2023 - Martin Di Paola