Keyed Hash Length Extension Attack
April 5, 2023
How can we know if a message is authentic or not?
A trusted party with access to a private key \(k\) can compute an authentication code or MAC.
Compute the message authentication code (MAC) doing \(H(k ∥ m)\).
In theory only who knows the secret key \(k\) can create and verify those, but no, this schema es broken.
This post covers matasano challenges from 28 to 30 so spoiler alert.
A keyed hash prefixes the message with the key \(k\) and computes a hash like SHA-1. The resulting hash is the MAC for the given message.
Then, someone that knows also \(k\) can verify if a message is authentic or not computing the MAC and comparing it with the one provided with the message.
If the computed hash matches the one provided, the message is authentic, otherwise it is not.
Unfortunately this prefix-keyed hash for MAC is broken.
Some very well known hash functions expose their internal states that allows an adversary to append data to the message and continue the hash computation and generate a new valid MAC.
Hence the name “length extension attack”.
Overview of keyed SHA-1
Let’s take a look as how SHA-1 is used as a MAC.
The plaintext message is prefixed with the secret key and hashed.
SHA-1 pads the inputs to encode its length and to end with data multiple of 64 bytes (512 bits).
The padding is a single bit 1 followed by a bunch of bits 0.
The last 8 bytes of the padding are reserved for storing the length of the un-padded input in bits.
Hash’s states
Initially SHA-1 begins with a well known state (composed by 5 uint32_t
h0 = 0x67452301
h1 = 0xEFCDAB89
h2 = 0x98BADCFE
h3 = 0x10325476
h4 = 0xC3D2E1F0
Once the input is padded, the resulting data is chopped into 64 bytes blocks and for each block the state of the hash evolves.
Starting from the initial state \(h_0\), it evolves to \(h_1\) after having processed the block \(b_0\). Then, it evolves to \(h_2\) after the block \(b_1\) and so on.
The final state is then used to compute the final hash.
Note how the hash states \(h_1\) depends of the first block \(b_0\) that contains the secret key (or at least the begin of it).
Therefore, the \(h_1\) cannot be guessed by an adversary or any other internal state.
The final state however is totally exposed by SHA-1: the concatenation of the state’s variables is the resulting hash.
def sha1(msg):
h0 = 0x67452301
h1 = 0xEFCDAB89
h2 = 0x98BADCFE
h3 = 0x10325476
h4 = 0xC3D2E1F0
# pad msg and evolve h0, h1, h2, h3, h4
# ....
return '%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x' % (h0, h1, h2, h3, h4)
And that can be a problem.
Length Extension Attack
The idea is to recover the hashing state from a MAC and continue the hashing as if we were hashing a longer message.
This allows us to extend a authentic message with arbitrary payload and compute a valid MAC for it without knowing the secret key.
In the diagram below, we take the original MAC (the “final” hash state \(h_8\)) and compute the hash of the “remaining” message ext
The resulting hash will be equivalent to \(H(k ∥ ptext ∥ pad ∥ ext)\): a valid MAC for the message \(ptext ∥ pad ∥ ext\).
An adversary can submit \(ptext ∥ pad ∥ ext\) and pass it as authentic without knowing the key \(k\).
\(ptext\) is assumed to be known by the adversary; \(pad\) isn’t but it can be guessed.
The extended message must be padded as if we were padding the whole message: in \(pad'\) we need to write the length of the whole message.
From the perspective of SHA-1 the whole input is the original message \(ptext\), the padding of the original SHA-1 call and the appended message \(ext\).
In other words, we compute \(H(ext)\) starting not from the initial hashing state \(h_0\) but from \(h_8 = H(k ∥ ptext)\).
The resulting hash will be equivalent to compute \(H(k ∥ ptext ∥ pad ∥ ext)\) but without the requiring of knowing the key.
Proof of concept (code!)
Assume that someone checks is the user is admin or not verifying and reviewing a plaintext.
>>> from cryptonita import B
>>> from import sha1
>>> from import prefix_key_hash
>>> key = B('foobar') # unknown
>>> def login(login_req, unverified_hash, verbose=True):
... h = prefix_key_hash(sha1, key, login_req)
... if h != unverified_hash:
... if verbose: print("Bad MAC. Login aborted.")
... return False
... if b"admin=True" in login_req.split(b";"):
... if verbose: print("Logged as admin")
... else:
... if verbose: print("Logged as normal user")
... return True
So a normal user would be logged as a “normal user”
>>> login_req = B('user=john;comment=cheese')
>>> mac = prefix_key_hash(sha1, key, login_req)
>>> login(login_req, mac)
Logged as normal user
Without knowing the key we cannot just “hack” the logging request and pretend to be admin:
>>> login(login_req + B(';admin=True') , mac)
Bad MAC. Login aborted.
But we can do an length extension attack.
Get the hash state from the MAC
First, we extract the hash state (a fancy way to say “decode 5 uint32_t
>>> from cryptonita.conv import repack
>>> def extract_hash_fun_state(hash_hex):
... words_bytes = B(hash_hex, encoding=16).nblocks(4)
... return repack(words_bytes, ifmt='4s', ofmt='>I')
>>> h0, h1, h2, h3, h4 = extract_hash_fun_state(mac)
>>> ('%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x' % (h0, h1, h2, h3, h4)) == mac
Guess the padding
Let’s create a padding function like SHA-1 defines based on a given message length:
>>> def pad_like_sha1(msg_length):
... bit_len = msg_length * 8
... # Padding used by SHA1
... padding = b'\x80'
... padding += b'\x00' * ((56 - (msg_length + 1) % 64) % 64)
... padding += bit_len.to_bytes(8, 'big')
... return padding
We know the length of login_req
but we don’t know the length of key
so we cannot reconstruct the original padding of the original MAC.
Nevertheless it can be brute-forced.
Basically we create a pad for a possible message length and extend the hashing of the original MAC with an empty string.
Then we submit to login
the new login request with the new (forged) MAC and see if it is valid or not:
>>> def is_ok(msg_length):
... pad = pad_like_sha1(msg_length)
... new_mac = sha1(b'', h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, forged_message_len=msg_length+len(pad))
... new_login_req = login_req + pad
... return login(new_login_req, new_mac, verbose=False)
The minimum message length is the length of the plaintext (login_req
); an educated guess for the key length would be 16 and a maximum of 256.
So the space is defined as:
>>> from import IntSpace
>>> minimum = len(login_req)
>>> msg_length_space = IntSpace(minimum, minimum+256, start=minimum+16)
Let’s use is_ok
as an oracle function to explore the space of possible lengths.
>>> from cryptonita.attacks import search
>>> guessed_msg_length = search(msg_length_space, is_ok)
>>> guessed_msg_length
Login as admin
Now we can extend the original login_req
with anything and compute for it a valid MAC.
>>> ext = B(';admin=True')
>>> pad = pad_like_sha1(guessed_msg_length)
>>> new_login_req = login_req + pad + ext
>>> new_mac = sha1(ext, h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, forged_message_len=guessed_msg_length + len(pad) + len(ext))
>>> login(new_login_req, new_mac)
Logged as admin
Note how login_req + pad
will be always part of your messages.
Therefore it could be possible that a more sophisticated login
function may detect the forgery but certainly it was not the crypto so prefix-keyed hashes as MAC are a bad idea.
Beyond SHA-1
SHA-1 exposes its entire state but it is not the only one.
Check hash_extender tool
The bibliography says that more are susceptible:
- MD4
- MD5
- RIPEMD-160
- SHA-0
- SHA-1
- SHA-256
- SHA-512
This doesn’t mean that those are broken: a hash function by itself not really care if you can extend the hashing.
It is when a MAC is constructed as \(H(k ∥ m)\) when the extension capability becomes a problem and breaks the MAC construction.
While you could use a hash function that does not expose all its internal state (like SHA-512/224) it is still a too risky decision.
And the suffix-keyed hash, \(H(m ∥ k)\), is also broken but it is not so trivial (it requires a collision).
Prefer HMAC instead.
Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, hash, extension