IPv4 Scan 2021 - TTL Boost (or reset)
November 13, 2021
In the post about Hop-Stability we analyzed the TTL of the responses from all the scanned hosts.
In particular we used the TTL range: the difference between the smallest and the greatest TTL seen per host.
With a range of 0 or very close we claimed that the route to the host was stable; with range larger than 7 we said the contrary.
The analysis shown that only 0.39998% of 43056567 unique hosts had unstable routes.
However the analysis was only using a few statistics, when we plot the histogram of TTL ranges we see much more mysteries to solve.
TTL range histogram (how much stable is a route in a longer period? - revised)
We can plot multirounds_range
in a histogram. Recap that multirounds_range
is the range of TTLs, that means rounds_ttl[:,:max] - rounds_ttl[:,:min]
; a quick histogram was shown before as hist_biased
The dataset does not include hosts scanned only once. The vertical axis is in logarithmic scale.
The histogram may be misleading at first but remember that the vertical axis is in logarithmic scale.
That means that the main peak at 0 is almost 3 orders of magnitude larger than the three secondary peaks on the right.
This is compatible with the analysis made previously: the routes are highly stable and only a small fraction (0.39998%) are unstable with a large variance (represented by the right side of the histogram).
But the histogram shows some interesting features.
Now we find where the local maxima are. We use a window of 40 to filter any peak that it is not high enough.
is crucial because argmaxima
ignores any peak that it is too close on the edges (for which a full window cannot be computed). Without this, the peak at 0 would be lost.
julia> hist = fit(Histogram, convert(Vector{Int32}, multirounds_range[:, :range]), nbins=255)
julia> argmaxima(hist.weights, 40, strict=false) .- 1
4-element Vector{Int64}:
returns the indexes where the peaks were found in the bins
vector created.
Julia’s vectors are 1-based indexed but those indexes also represent the TTL range values where the peak were found except that they are shifted by 1.
In short, a peak at index n
means a peak for the TTL range of n-1
That’s why we do a .- 1
Back to the numbers, what the hell do those peaks mean?
Analysis of the 3 secondary peaks
Let’s ignore the peak at 0 (those are the stable routes). Why do we have 3 secondary peaks?
Focus on the peak at TTL range of 191 (the right most).
That means that we have a host that in some moment had a TTL of \(m\) and later it had a TTL of \(M\).
Then, the range for that host is \(M-m = 191\).
That happen for several hosts, probably each having a different \(M\) and \(m\) but all ended up having the same range of 191.
Let’s assume that one of those hosts is a Windows with a default TTL of 128.
The 15 comes from our estimation of the average distance in hop counts made in the Hop-Distance and Clusters post
We know that the scanner will receive the packets from it with an expected TTL of \(128-15=113\). This of course will depend of how far is the host but it is expected to be at a distance of 15 hops.
So, we have two scenarios for this Windows host:
m=113, M=304 (ttl=128, hops=15)
m=-78, M=113
And none of those makes sense…
Revising the assumptions
To have a difference of 191, or we need \(M=304\) or we need \(m=-78\) that it is impossible: TTL must be between 0 and 255!
Let’s review the assumptions so far:
- the host is a Windows with a default TTL of 128
- the are 15 hops between the host and the scanner
- the hops between the host and the scanner always decrement the TTL by 1
We could explain those numbers assuming that the hosts that contributed to form the peak at 191 are not Windows, or their default TTL are not 128.
A TTL of 64, with a distance of 15 hops, yields
m=49, M=240 (ttl=64, hops=15)
m=-142, M=49
We could also explain the peak if the hops between the hosts and the scanner is larger than 15.
For example, Windows hosts at a 64 hops yields:
m=63, M=254 (ttl=128, hops=64)
m=-128, M=63
So, the only way to explain the peak at 191 without falling in the cases \(M=304\) or \(m=-78\) is that the peak at 191 is formed by non-Windows hosts and/or really far Windows hosts.
But if that it is true, it is also true that are more hosts that can contribute to the first two secondary peaks at 63 and 127.
In other words, it is more likely to have a random host to fall in one of those two peaks (63 and 127); it is more unlikely to fall in the third one because –and this is also another assumption– it is more unlikely to pick a non-Windows host and/or a far Windows host.
Perhaps it is a wild idea but the fact that the peak at 191 is the same height and shape that the peaks at 63 and 127 is just weird.
We would be expecting the third peak at 191 to be smaller (less hosts matching the conditions). Right?
What if we drop our third assumption: the hops decrement the TTL by 1?
Could be possible that some hops instead of decrementing the TTL, increment it, like a TTL boost?
TTL boost
Let’s assume that in some cases the packets coming from a host pass through a hop that does not decrement the TTL but resets it to 255.
Some kind of TTL boost.
Let’s see what would we see if a reset or a boost happen. What would be the observed range by us?
>>> default_ttls = [64, 128, 255]
>>> expected_hops = 15
>>> for ttl in default_ttls:
... print(f"Default TTL={ttl} => m={ttl-expected_hops}, M={255-expected_hops} => Range=M-m={255-ttl}")
Default TTL=64 => m=49, M=240 => Range=M-m=191
Default TTL=128 => m=113, M=240 => Range=M-m=127
Default TTL=255 => m=240, M=240 => Range=M-m=0
That’s interesting! We would get peaks at 127 and 191 as we saw earlier.
Further research
The histogram shows more features that could be explained with the boost theory but it is required to have a more precise model about the internet.
Saying that there are 15 hops between any two machines is a too simplistic model.
Also, what have in common these hosts that gained a boost in their TTLs? May be there is a geographic reason. Again, we need a richer model to explore this.
Related tags: pandas, julia, statistics, seaborn