The Book of Gehn

IPv4 Scan 2021 - Hop-Distance Average and IP Distribution

November 13, 2021

In the Multiprobes Analysis, we explored the statistics of the hosts and the communication to them.

This is a follow up to keep exploring the data:


Following the terms defined in Hop-Stability post, masscan sends multiple probes to the same host at the same time: we call these short bursts.

masscan may also scan the same host multiple times, at different moments: we call these rounds of short bursts or just rounds.

As we saw earlier, for a given host the time to live (TTL) read from every probe/packet remains constant within a short burst and relatively constant between rounds.

julia> all_rounds_g = groupby(df, :ip)

The TTL changes between rounds only by 1 or 2; changes of 8 or greater happen only in a very small fraction of the dataset, around 0.39998%.

For this reason we are going to work with the mode: the most common TTL value per host.

julia> all_rounds = combine(all_rounds_g, :ttl => mode => :ttl)


Now we plot the histogram of all_rounds.

Histogram of TTL observed: the peaks indicate the different operative systems and their relative position respect the expected positions estimate the mean distance between the hosts and the scanner in hop count.

There are three really high peaks with \(~10^6\) count with one secondary peak at the left of each main peaks.

In the x-axis are marked the typical TTLs values that the operative systems set by default. For some operative systems this may different depending of the version of the OS and the protocol of the packet.

We cannot do anything about the version of the OS but we can ignore the protocol because all the probes sent were TCP.

Notice however that the peaks are left-shifted from the expected default TTLs.

This is because the packets received had travelled through the network and in each hop the TTL is decremented by one.

Peak estimation

First we compute the histogram. We cannot plug in df[:, :ttl] directly because its type is Vector{Union{Missing, Int32}} and Histogram does not work with Missing values, even if there are no missing there.

julia> vec = convert(Vector{Int32}, df[:, :ttl])
julia> hist = fit(Histogram, vec, nbins=255)

Now we find where the local maxima ares. We use a window of 40, quite large, to filter out the secondary peaks.

strict=false is crucial because while scanning, if the search window gets slightly out of the range, no peak is detected. So peaks near the ends, like the around 235, wouldn’t be detected.

julia> argmaxima(hist.weights, 40, strict=false) .+ 4
3-element Vector{Int64}:

Hop-distance average

30, 32, 60, 64, 128, 200, 254 and 255 are the most common default TTLs; the 64, 128 and 254 correspond roughly to Unix, Windows and Solaris/AIX.

Reference: Subin's Default TTLs

Comparing these with the expected default TTLs we can know by how much the histogram was left-shifted:

julia> [64, 128, 254] - [49, 112, 239]
3-element Vector{Int64}:

So the scanner is at 15 - 16 hops of distance, on average, from any other host in the network.

Histogram of TTL observed but with the values shifted to the right to compensate the fact that the TTLs are decremented during their travel through the network.

IP distribution

We can get an idea of how the hosts scanned are distributed in the IP space.

Sorted by IP address, we can compute the first order difference (aka df[i+1, :ip] - df[i, :ip]: hosts in the same subnetwork will have very small differences.

This crude model is not free of misinterpretations: two hosts at the end and at the begin of two large subnets, like and and you will get a difference of 2 but clearly they are at two different subnets.

julia> sort!(df, [:ip])
julia> unique!(df, [:ip])

julia> df_diff = DataFrame(diff = diff(df[:, :ip]))

julia> describe(df_diff)
1×7 DataFrame
 Row  variable  mean     min    median   max       nmissing  eltype
      Symbol    Float64  Int64  Float64  Int64     Int64     DataType
   1  diff       86.893      1      2.0  50359752         0  Int64

The median tells us that half of the hosts’ IPs differ by 1 or 2 at most. They are far from being uniformely distributed.

The mean of 86.893 tells us that despite being highly non-uniform, clusters are quite separated each other, generating larger differences in the IP (so the mean moves towards the right).

Rough estimation for cluster density

We can integrate the difference back to the dataframe as follows:

julia> df[!, :diff] = insert!(diff(df[:, :ip]), 1, 0)

Arbitrarily, I chose 0 as the difference for the first IP, that’s why I did a insert!(..., 1, 0). Reasonable, I guess.

If we define that the maximum difference per cluster to 8, we can count how many clusters do we have:

julia> df_cluster_leaders = filter(:diff => >(8), df)
10822514×6 DataFrame

Once again we need to take into account the first cluster that it is counted above because its first host has a difference of 0 so obviously it is not part of the df_cluster_leaders.

julia> cluster_leaders  = insert!(df_cluster_leaders[:, :ip], 1, df[1, :ip])

Do not laugh. This is my first time coding a function in Julia, trying to do some closure-thing.

We can tag then each host of df with the first IP of its cluster, its leader.

julia> ix = [1]
julia> next_ix = [2]

julia> function assign_leader(val)
           if val >= cluster_leaders[next_ix[1]]
                 ix[1] = next_ix[1]
                 next_ix[1] += 1
           return cluster_leaders[ix[1]]

julia> df[!, :leader] = assign_leader.(df[:, :ip])

Now we can group by leader and count how many rows do we have. Remember that we filtered out duplicated IPs so counting the rows effectively is the same that counting how many hosts we have in each cluster.

julia> clusters_g = groupby(df, [:leader])
GroupedDataFrame with 10822515 groups based on key: leader

From there, we can estimate the clusters’ density:

julia> clusters_size = combine(clusters_g, nrow)

julia> describe(clusters_size[:, :count])
Summary Stats:
Length:         10822515
Missing Count:  0
Mean:           3.978428
Minimum:        1.000000
1st Quartile:   1.000000
Median:         1.000000
3rd Quartile:   2.000000
Maximum:        212730.000000
Type:           Int64

Keep in mind that we defined arbitrary the cluster as hosts that do not differ by more than 8 IPs.

The maximum is also, at least, suspicious. Again, the model used is probably too simplistic.

Further research

Indeed, the estimation of the clusters’ density is too coarse and the numbers are hard to interpret and make compatible with the estimation of the IP distribution.

Augmenting the dataset with the geolocalization of each host may help.

Using the TTLs to group the hosts is also possible: even hosts running different OS (and therefore with different default TTLs), the scanner should observe their TTLs decremented by the same factor if the hosts are in the same physical network.

Combining this with routing information it would be also helpful.

Related tags: pandas, julia, categorical, ordinal, parquet, statistics, seaborn

IPv4 Scan 2021 - Hop-Distance Average and IP Distribution - November 13, 2021 - Martin Di Paola