Key Recovering from CBC with \(IV = K\)
January 23, 2023
CBC requires an initialization vector (IV) that needs to be agreed by both encryption and decryption peers.
IV needs to be random so you may be get tempted and use the secret key as IV.
No, please don’t.
The IV is not required to be secret and there is a good reason for that: it can be recovered with a single chosen ciphertext attack.
Using \(IV = K\) means that the adversary can recover the secret key with a single message.
In this post I describe the attack in 3 simple diagrams.
Note how the secret key is used incorrectly as IV.
Chosen ciphertext
It is a 3-block ciphertext with the first and third blocks being the same and the block in the between being full of zeros.
Note that \(c_1\) can be an arbitrary encrypted block.
Key recovering
This leaves the direct decryption \(D[c_1]\) at the end of the plaintext.
This is the same value obtained for the first ciphertext block before the xor with the IV.
Knowing the first block of the plaintext then it is possible to recover the IV.
This is in general true for any CBC setup and it does not imply any vulnerability as the IV does not require to be secret.
But as in this case, if the IV was initialized with the secret key, this now becomes a real attack with a full recover of the key.
Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, CBC