The Book of Gehn

Control Group - Hierarchical Organization

April 23, 2022

Control group or cgroup is a mechanism to distribute and enforce limits over the resources of the system.

It was introduced in Linux kernel around 2007 but its complexity leaded to inconsistent behaviour and hard adoption.

Fast forwarding 9 years, in kernel 4.5 a rewrite of cgroup revamp the idea, making it simpler and consistent.

This post focus in the organization of cgroups and it is the first of a 3-posts series about cgroup in its new v2 version.

In the next posts we will see how the resources are distributed among the cgroups and which constraints do we have.

Overview of cgroup organization

Notation: I will write cgroup to denote the Control Group implementation or hierarchy while I will write cgroup or cgroups to refer about one or more groups in particular.

cgroup can be split into two components: the core that mandates how the cgroups, processes and controllers are organized and the resource controllers that do the real resource distribution and enforce limits.

In this post I’ll focus on the core only.

In the v1 version, the cgroup system supported multiple hierarchies of cgroups and processes but this flexibility didn’t pay off.

In v2, cgroup has a single hierarchy where all the cgroups, processes and controllers live and that’s what we are going to explore here.

Let’s get into!

Mount point

To access the control interface of cgroup we need to have mounted the (pseudo) file system.

$ mount | grep cgroup                               # byexample: +fail-fast
cgroup2 on /sys/fs/cgroup type cgroup2 (<...>)

In my case it is mounted on /sys/fs/cgroup; in some other distros it is mounted under /sys/fs/cgroup/unified: just check where the (pseudo) cgroup2 file system is mounted.

Creating new cgroups

A hierarchy is divided into cgroups and those into more sub cgroups.

These can be easily created just creating subfolders inside the mount point.

$ cd /sys/fs/cgroup
$ mkdir -p test

$ ls -1 test/

cgroup.procs lists the processes’ ids that belongs to the test/ cgroup and, as you may guessed, cgroup.threads lists the threads’ ids of the processes in the cgroup.

No process is in my test/ cgroup so both files are empty.

$ cat test/cgroup.procs

$ cat test/cgroup.threads

At the moment (kernel 5.17) there is no limit on how much nested a cgroup can be: we can create as many (sub) cgroups as we may please.

$ mkdir -p test/cg1
$ mkdir -p test/cg2

domain cgroups

The file cgroup.type says which kind of cgroup we have:

$ cat test/cgroup.type

$ cat test/cg1/cgroup.type

$ cat test/cg2/cgroup.type

A cgroup that operates with processes is called a domain and it is the default type for each newly created cgroup.

The term slice is borrowed from systemd: systemd uses cgroup to manage the resources of processes and names .slice the files to configure the resource distribution.

It is our main way to organize processes into different domains to assign them different amounts of a resource, different slices of the cake.

domain threaded and threaded cgroups

However there are some resources that still make sense to distribute them even further, at the thread level.

In these cases we can turn one normal domain into a domain threaded.

Summary: a domain or domain threaded are cgroups that operate at process level while threaded cgroups operates at thread level.

The domain threaded still operates at the process level but further divisions are for partitioning the threads of the processes in the domain.

These divisions are neither normal domain nor domain threaded, these are threaded cgroups.

Let’s create first a few normal domains:

$ mkdir -p test/cg1/t1
$ cat test/cg1/t1/cgroup.type

$ mkdir -p test/cg1/t2
$ cat test/cg1/t2/cgroup.type

Now we turn one of the domains into a threaded cgroup and that will automatically turn its parent into a domain threaded:

$ # The parent cgroup, before
$ cat test/cg1/cgroup.type

$ echo "threaded" > test/cg1/t1/cgroup.type
$ cat test/cg1/t1/cgroup.type

$ # The parent cgroup, after
$ cat test/cg1/cgroup.type
domain threaded

While we can still use test/cg1/ to control the resources of the processes that belong to the group, we can now use test/cg1/t1/ and test/cg1/t2/ to distribute the resources differently among the threads of the processes.

Of course this is possible only if the resource controller supports such distribution, if it is meaningful.

A resource controller that can distribute the resource among threads is a thread controller. A resource controller that operates only at the process level is a domain controller.

A main difference with cgroup v1 is that in v2 all the threads of a process belong to the same domain and hence they are subject to the control of a domain controller.

We can distribute the resources even further creating threaded partitions but all of them are inside the same domain threaded group.

In v1 the threads of a process could live in a different, totally unrelated part of the hierarchy that made the implementation of the controllers much complex.

domain invalid

We made test/cg1/t1/ into a threaded and that turned its parent test/cg1/ into a domain threaded.

What happen with the sibling of test/cg1/t1/, the test/cg1/t2/ cgroup?

$ # The parent cgroup
$ cat test/cg1/cgroup.type
domain threaded

$ # The threaded cgroup
$ cat test/cg1/t1/cgroup.type

$ # Its sibling
$ cat test/cg1/t2/cgroup.type
domain invalid

test/cg1/t2/ is in an invalid state because we said that any subfolder of a domain threaded must be of the threaded kind.

By default test/cg1/t2/ was domain so this is incompatible.

The same would happen if we create a new cgroup, because the default is of type domain, the resulting will be invalid too.

$ # The parent cgroup
$ cat test/cg1/cgroup.type
domain threaded

$ # Create a new cgroup
$ mkdir test/cg1/t3

$ # The default type is always 'domain' so it makes
$ # it invalid here inside of the 'domain threaded'
$ cat test/cg1/t3/cgroup.type
domain invalid

We can turn these invalid domains into threaded cgroups just writing in their cgroup.type the value threaded.

$ echo 'threaded' > test/cg1/t2/cgroup.type
$ cat test/cg1/t2/cgroup.type

Life time of a domain threaded

As we saw earlier, a domain threaded can be created by making one of its (sub) cgroups a threaded cgroup.

It is not possible to write domain threaded neither to change the type of a domain invalid nor to change a domain into a domain threaded.

$ echo 'domain threaded' > test/cg1/t3/cgroup.type
bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument

$ echo 'domain threaded' > test/cg2/cgroup.type
bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument

$ cat test/cg1/t3/cgroup.type
domain invalid

$ cat test/cg2/cgroup.type

The only way to get a domain threaded is to have a (sub) cgroup of threaded type.

The same restriction works on the way back: to make a domain threaded back to a domain you must delete the (sub) threaded cgroups (changing them to domain does not work).

$ # this doen't work
$ echo 'domain' > test/cg1/t1/cgroup.type
<...>write error: Invalid argument

$ rmdir test/cg1/t1
$ rmdir test/cg1/t2

$ # back to "normal" domain
$ cat test/cg1/cgroup.type

$ # not longer domain invalid
$ cat test/cg1/t3/cgroup.type

cgroup’s type transitions

A summary of all the possible types that a cgroup can have and the possible transitions from one type to another.

All the transitions requires a direct action from the user like rmdir a folder to delete a cgroup or writing "threaded" in cgroup.type to turn that cgroup into a threaded cgroup.

There are 2 exceptions: a domain goes to domain invalid or to domain threaded based on the type of its parent and children. The same with the reverse transitions.

cgroup hierarchical organization

Each box represents a cgroup type and the arrows represents which cgroup type can contain which (sub) cgroup. For example one domain threaded can have one or more threaded cgroups.

Root is a very special cgroup that can contain any other type of cgroup: domain, domain threaded and threaded.

The diagram follows the semantics of an UML diagram.

We can summarize all the above in the following:

The mount point or root is a special cgroup that works as a domain but also as a domain threaded so it can have (sub) cgroups of domain type and of threaded type as well.

Further reading

We mentioned mount but nothing else. cgroup v2 has a few options for the mount call but I didn’t covered them.

The kernel also has a few parameters to disable certain controllers but I totally skipped them :)

In general, the default setting of your distro should be fine.

Next stuff

We shown how the cgroup hierarchy is organized. In the next post we will see how the resources are distributed among the cgroups and which constraints do we have.

Related tags: linux, kernel, cgroup

Control Group - Hierarchical Organization - April 23, 2022 - Martin Di Paola