The Book of Gehn

Multiprocessing Spawn of Dynamically Imported Code

March 6, 2022

The following snippet loads any Python module in the ./plugins/ folder.

This is the Python 3.x way to load code dynamically.

>>> def load_modules():
...     dirnames = ["plugins/"]
...     loaded = []
...     # For each plugin folder, see which Python files are there
...     # and load them
...     for importer, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(dirnames):
...         # Find and load the Python module
...         spec = importer.find_spec(name)
...         module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
...         spec.loader.exec_module(module)
...         loaded.append(module)
...         # Add the loaded module to sys.module so it can be
...         # found by pickle
...         sys.modules[name] = module
...     return loaded

The loaded modules work as any other Python module. In a plugin system you typically will lookup for a specific function or a class that will serve as entry point or hooks for the plugin.

For example, in byexample the plugins must define classes that inherit from ExampleFinder, ExampleParser, ExampleRunner or Concern. These extend byexample functionality to find, parse and run examples in different languages and hook –via Concern– most of the execution logic.

Imagine now that one of the plugins implements a function exec_bg that needs to be executed in background, in a separated Python process.

We could do something like:

>>> loaded = load_modules() # loading the plugins
>>> mod = loaded[0] # pick the first, this is just an example

>>> target = getattr(mod, 'exec_bg')  # lookup plugin's exec_bg function

>>> import multiprocessing
>>> proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=target)
>>> proc.start()    # run exec_bg in a separated process
>>> proc.join()

This is plain simple use of multiprocessing…. and it will not work.

Well, it will work in Linux but not in MacOS or Windows.

In this post I will show why it will not work for dynamically loaded code (like from a plugin) and how to fix it.

multiprocessing’s start method

To gain truly parallelism in Python you need to use multiprocessing.

multiprocessing.Process takes a target callable and an optional list of arguments and runs it in a separated Python process.

Actually there is a third mechanism, forkserver, but it works similar and suffers from the same issues that spawn.

There are two mechanisms to have this separated Python process running: you can fork the main process getting a copy of the Python process or you can spawn a fresh new Python process.

This is the so called start method for multiprocessing.

fork is the default in Linux and it is the fastest. When the child process gets alive, it is immediately ready to execute the target callable: it has access to all the global state of the parent (a copy), it has access to the target code to call and to its arguments.

Ready to rumble.

On the other hand spawn starts a fresh new Python server that has no idea of the state or the code loaded in the parent process.

The parent needs to share to the child server the target callable and its arguments via a pipe and for the serialization it uses pickle.

While technically fork should work fine in multithreaded apps, some very common multithreaded libs in MacOS do not work well. This brought some headaches in the past and since Python 3.8 spawn is the default in MacOS.

In Linux the most common multithreaded libs are prepared for fork so the risk is minimum (I would like to say zero but, you know, …)

spawn is slightly slower than fork but it is thread-safe and the default in MacOS and Windows.

pickle-ing a callable

So, what does it mean to pickle a callable?

One could think that the serialization is the dump of the bytecode of the callable but pickle is less sophisticated.

pickle.dumps(a_callable) just dumps enough information so pickle.loads() can load the code again.

Here are a few examples:

>>> import pickle
>>> import re

>>> pickle.dumps(re.match)

>>> c = re.compile('')

>>> pickle.dumps(c.match)
b'\x80\x04\x95?\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c\x08builtins\x94\x8c\x07getattr\x94\x93\x94\x8c\x02re\x94\x8c\x08_compile\x94\x93\x94\x8c\x00\x94K \x86\x94R\x94\x8c\x05match\x94\x86\x94R\x94.'

There is no need to go into the details, we can use the intuition here.

re.match is a function so the only thing that we need to reload it is where to find it. In the output of pickle.dumps we can see the strings re and match.

For c.match is different. This is a bound method, so it is more complex and involves modules (builtins, re) and functions/methods (getattr, match) and some more bits.

So, what happen on pickle.loads() ?

pickle imports any necessary module (builtins, re) and from there loads the code.

It is like a recipe of how to (re)import the callable.

pickle is not the only way to serialize things. dill extends pickle and supports much more things including lambda functions.

Not all the callable can be serialized however: lambda for example cannot be imported from a module so they cannot be serialized.

Not such module

Now why the following fails may be more obvious. Let’s recap:

>>> loaded = load_modules() # loading the plugins
>>> mod = loaded[0] # pick the first, this is just an example

>>> target = getattr(mod, 'exec_bg')  # lookup plugin's exec_bg function

>>> import multiprocessing
>>> proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=target)
>>> proc.start()    # run exec_bg in a separated process
>>> proc.join()

The child process, spawned by the parent, tries to unpickle the target function and for such it will try to import the module mod.

The module is not loaded yet and not present in sys.modules in the child process because it is a fresh Python process.

pickle.loads() does a normal import as usual but the module mod will not be found, it is not a module in the standard path (sys.path) but a module loaded from an arbitrary folder (./plugins/)

pickle.loads() just cannot know that!

That’s why you cannot use multiprocessing naively with dynamically imported code: the child process has no idea how to load it!

This issue hit byexample when a third-party plugin tried to run in a subprocess part of its code in MacOS.

Well, it is possible to trigger it in Linux, you just need to change the start method of multiprocessing calling set_start_method() or get_context().

In Linux, with fork being the default, no pickle is needed and the bug was never triggered.

The fix

What we need is to (re)load all the dynamically loaded modules in the child process before the pickle.loads() takes place.

Instead of calling target on the child directly, we call a helper trampoline that does the bootstrap, loads the modules, unpickles the real target and calls it.

>>> loaded = load_modules() # loading the plugins
>>> mod = loaded[0] # pick the first, this is just an example

>>> def trampoline(serialized_func):
...     # All of this happens in the *child* process
...     # We reload the modules (and possible we do any bootstrapping
...     # needed)
...     loaded = load_modules()
...     # Now this pickle.loads() shouldn't fail
...     target = pickle.loads(serialized_func)
...     return target()

>>> # We pickle the target ourselves so we can control *when*
>>> # it is unpickled later.
>>> target = getattr(mod, 'exec_bg')
>>> serialized_func = bytes(pickle.dumps(target))

>>> import multiprocessing
>>> proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=trampoline, args=(serialized_func,))
>>> proc.start()
>>> proc.join()

ForkingPickler: a detail

To be more precise, multiprocessing uses a slightly improved pickle implemented in multiprocessing.reduction.ForkingPickler.

We should use it too to keep the same behavior.

>>> def trampoline(serialized_func):
...     # .....
...     fpickler = multiprocessing.reduction.ForkingPickler
...     target = fpickler.loads(serialized_func)
...     return target()

>>> fpickler = multiprocessing.reduction.ForkingPickler

>>> target = getattr(mod, 'exec_bg')
>>> serialized_func = bytes(fpickler.dumps(target))

>>> # ....

Related tags: python

Multiprocessing Spawn of Dynamically Imported Code - March 6, 2022 - Martin Di Paola