The Book of Gehn

IPv4 Scan 2021 - Dataset Preprocessing

September 10, 2021

The dataset is a survey or port scan of the whole IPv4 range made with masscan.

The dataset however is much smaller than the expected mostly because most of the hosts didn’t response and/or they had all the scanned ports closed.

Only open ports were registered.

More over, of the 65536 available ports only a few were scanned and only for the TCP protocol.

Even with such reduced scope the dataset occupies around 9 GB.

This post is a walk-through for loading and preprocessing it.

Loading JSON

The original dataset is in JSON that it is not the most space-efficient format.

It consists in an array of hosts and per host we have an array of ports.

    'ip': '',
    'timestamp': '1619562631',
    'ports': [
         'port': 21,
         'proto': 'tcp',
         'status': 'open',
         'reason': 'syn-ack',
         'ttl': 245

So there is plenty room for improvements.

Python’s json library loads everything to memory. This is a no-go. We use instead ijson that iterates over the elements of the file loading only what it is needed.

import ijson
import sys

# read from standard input and yield each host from it
hosts = ijson.items(sys.stdin, 'item')

for host in hosts:
    ip, timestamp, ports = host['ip'], int(host['timestamp']), host['ports']

IPv4 packing

The IP address can be stored in 4 bytes and Python’s ipaddress can pack it for us:

import ipaddress

for host in hosts:
    ip, timestamp, ports = host['ip'], int(host['timestamp']), host['ports']

    ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
    assert ip.version == 4

    ip = int(ip)

Categorical data

Each port has a status and protocol (proto). Because those two are fixed to open and tcp respectively, it is pointless to store them.

The rest of the port’s attributes are more interesting:

for host in hosts:
    for port in ports:
        num, ttl = int(port['port']), int(port['ttl'])
        reason = port['reason']

reason is a string that represent why the port is open. But strings are expensive.

We can use instead a categorical type, a mapping between these strings and integers that represent them more efficiently:

from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype

# all the reasons that are in the dataset
reason_cat = CategoricalDtype([

Pandas already generates the categories for us but this requires to feed Pandas with all the dataset at once.

Instead we create the categories beforehand, split the dataset into manageable subsets, buckets or partitions and create one Pandas’ DataFrame per bucket/partition.

We use the same reason_cat object for all the dataframes created.

This is critical because merging/concatenating two dataframes with different (but semantically-equivalent) category sets will not raise any error but it will convert the column(s) into object type.

Quiet unhappy.

Yes, I know, 22 is less than 80 but it is meaningless: “ssh” is less than “http”, what could you draw from it?

The port numbers are also categories as they are not quantities nor have a meaningful order.

# all the port numbers that are in the dataset
port_cat = CategoricalDtype([

Serialization in Apache’s Parquet format

To keep the dataset as small as possible we can use smaller types for each column:

Finally, we store each dataframe in disk using Apache’s Parquet format. We use version 2 that supports a much richer set of data types including uint32.

def save_df(rows, fileno):
    columns = ['ip', 'timestamp', 'port', 'ttl', 'reason']
    df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns)
    df = df.astype({
        'ip': np.uint32,   'timestamp': np.uint32,
        'port': port_cat,  'reason': reason_cat,
        'ttl': np.uint8,

    # clean up

    # Save. 'brotli' yielded better compression ratio
    # when compared with snappy y gzip.
    df.to_parquet(f'scan{fileno:04}.pq', compression='brotli', version='2.0')

i, fileno = 0, 0
rows = []
for host in hosts:
    for port in ports:
        rows.append(ip, timestamp, num, ttl, reason)

    i += 1
    if i % bucket_size == 0:
        save_df(rows, fileno)
        fileno += 1

The dataframes are in tidy format: each row represents a single observation, or in this case, a single port scan.

We repeat over and over data that it is shared between port scans like the IP address or the timestamp (it is the opposite format of the normalized format).

It occupies more space, yes, but the manipulation of the dataset is much simpler and Pandas and Seaborn are tidy-centric.

Host aggregation

We know that all the ports for the same host are in the same df object so we can do some analysis here instead on the whole dataset.

We could count how many ports each host has, how many different reasons were found on each host and the minimum and maximum TTL seen.

df = df[['ip', 'port', 'ttl', 'reason']].groupby('ip').agg({
    'port': 'count',
    'ttl': ['min', 'max'],
    'reason': 'nunique',

After a group by/aggregation, the columns will be multi-index (to access the minimum of the TTL we will write df['ttl']['min']).

We don’t want that so we can remap the columns and reset the index.

df.columns ='_'.join)
df = df.reset_index()

df = df.astype({
    'port_count': np.uint8,
    'reason_count': np.uint8

Then we can extend save_df():

def save_df(rows, fileno):
    df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns)
    df.to_parquet(f'scan/scan{fileno:04}.pq', version='2.0')

    df = df[['ip', 'port', 'ttl', 'reason']].groupby('ip').agg({
        'port': 'count',
        'ttl': ['min', 'max'],
        'reason': 'nunique',
    df.to_parquet(f'agg/agg{fileno:04}.pq', version='2.0')

Final bits

Putting all this together in and presto!

unzip -p | python

Related tags: pandas, reset_index, json, categorical, parquet

IPv4 Scan 2021 - Dataset Preprocessing - September 10, 2021 - Martin Di Paola