The Book of Gehn

SMT Goals and Strategies

July 12, 2021

SMT/SAT problems are in general undecidable: basically we cannot know if we can get even an answer. The search space is in general infinite.

But several concrete problems have a reduced space and may be tractable: while theoretical really hard, we can find a solution in a reasonable time.

Still, a solver may need some extra help to navigate across the search space.

A strategy is a guide that hopefully will lead to a solution (sat or unsat) in a reasonable time using a reasonable amount of resources.

It is quite an art and the concepts were around for more than 30 years.

This post is a quick overview of concepts like strategies, tactics, tacticals, merit order, cost functions, heuristic functions, goals, approximations, redundancy control, search strategies, probes and a few more.

Quite a heavy post I’m afraid.


A goal is what we want to solve. Depending of the underlying theory this can be:

Let be the goal set \({G}\) consisting of a single goal \(G\):

$$ G: [ a = b + 1, (a < 0 ∨ a > 0), b > 3 ] $$

The goal is to see if there is an assignment for \(a\) and \(b\) such those inequations hold or if there is a contradiction so it doesn’t exist such assignment.

In the first case we say that the such assignment satisfies the goal (the solver returned sat); in the second case the problem is unsatisfied (unsat).


A tactic tries to solve the goal or at least tries to make it easier to solve.

The tactic elim, for example, eliminates intermedian variables such given \(a = b + 1\) the tactic can eliminate \(a\) and replace it by \(b + 1\).

It doesn’t solve the problem, but it makes it a little easier to solve later.

A tactic may have 4 possible results:

In this case the tactic elim returns unknown and the following 1-goal set:

$$ G_1: [ (b + 1 < 0 ∨ b + 1 > 0), b > 3] $$

The tactic split-or takes each goal and splits the disjunctives generating a subgoal per case. Like before this tactic returns unknown and the subgoals (an ordered set):

$$ G_2: [ b + 1 < 0, b > 3] \\ G_3: [ b + 1 > 0, b > 3] $$


The tactics may under-approximate by changing the initial goal by another, hopeful simpler, which if it is sat then the initial goal is sat too.

An example could be adding more restrictions or assumptions: if the new more restrictive problem is sat then the initial is sat too. This is known as strengthening.

However, if a under-approximate tactic yields unsat we cannot say anything about the initial goal.

The tactics may also over-approximate by making a new goal less restrictive: if the new problem is unsat then the initial goal is unsat too; if the new problem is sat however, we cannot say anything else.

An example could be removing restrictions or assumptions known as weakening.

Goals sets

In [2] the returned set by a tactic is in fact two: the set of goals added and the set of goals deleted from the initial goal set. The deleted set not only deletes the goals but also marks them to make sure they are not readded later (called redundacy control [1])

In [1] the tactic are categorized as ordering-based if their input is a set of objects (all the goals) and subgoal-reduction if their input is a single object (a single goal).

The first operates over all the goals in each step and it is where it makes possible to add or remove goals from the set.

On the other hand the second operates over each goal at time.

Note: [1] uses ordering-based and subgoal-reduction to categorize strategies and not tactics but it seems reasonable to stretch a little the definition.

Tactics’ products: models and proofs

Note that subgoals \(G_2\) and \(G_3\) comes from a disjunctive:

In addition the tactic must build a model from one of the subgoal sat and a proof from all the subgoals when they are unsat.

This is handled by the tactic’s model converter and proof converter functions, mc and pc for short.

Proof graphs / Search graphs

The successive application of tactics generates subgoals that induce a tree structure know as the proof tree:

Formally, to say proof tree we need to restrict the tactics to not generate repeated goals (so we don’t have cycles).

Having then a single starting goal, the successive application of the tactics forms a tree.

We can extend this and have multiple starting goals in that case we will have an acyclic graph like described in [3]. (in [3] is more specific and refers to goals and tactics as states (of a proof) and rules of induction but they are the same idea).

With subgoal-reduction tactics, the graph is generated edge by edge; with ordering-based tactics, the graph is generated by multiple edges at time.

Note that the generation (or walking) of this graph is non-deterministic: why you would the solver choose to explore the edge/edges from one node/nodes instead of the other?

To make it deterministic we have a way to choose which exploration do and in which order. This is the search strategy based on a merit order.

Search strategy

In [3] it is introduced the notion of merit order, a relationship between every pair of nodes in the graph: \(g_i\) ≼ \(g_j\)

This merit order could have different definitions:

A search strategy could use the merit order to schedule which goal process next:

A particular case is when the merit order is based on a cost function \(c()\) and an heuristic function \(h()\).

If \(c(g_i)\) is the cost to reach \(g_i\), then \(h(g_i)\) estimates the additional cost that would take to go from \(g_i\) to a trivial goal, one that is ⊤ (trivially sat) or ⊥ (trivially unsat).

The estimation can be seen as how much more will take to get to a final resolution.

\(h()\) may under-estimate the additional cost or over-estimate it.


While tactics operate at the goal set level, tacticals operate one level higher: they operate with the tactics.

Think in tacticals as functions that receive tactics as their arguments.

repeat(t) is a tactical that takes a tactic and applies it several times until the tactic fails so repeat(elim) applies elim over and over until no other change happens.

then(t1, t2) applies t1 and if it didn’t fail applies t2.

orelse(t1, t2) applies t1 and if it failed applies t2.

This is a handy way to build the strategy to solve the problem in terms of tacticals and tactics.

Probes or formula measures

A probe or formula measure is a tactic that does not modify the goal set but it fails or not based on attributes or properties of the current goal set.

A probe could count how many variables a formula has or if the inequations follow are written in a particular way.

Based on a probe one tactic or other could be applied next.

For example orelse(then(c1, t1), t2) applies t1 if the probe (or check) c1 didn’t fail otherwise t2 is applied.

Reasoning engines

At the end the goals needs to be translated into a suitable format and sent to the reasoning engine for the final resolution.

For example each inequation can be seen as a propositional variable and the problem gets reduced to a SAT problem.

$$ G_2: [ b + 1 < 0, b > 3] \\ G_3: [ b + 1 > 0, b > 3] \\ \\ G_2 → C_2: [ p ∧ q] \\ G_3 → C_3: [ r ∧ q] $$

Notice that the conversion was not 1-to-1: \(p\) and \(r\) could be \(true\) when the original inequations \(b + 1 < 0\) and \(b + 1 > 0\) cannot.

The solver then needs to verify if the solution found by the engine is corrects and make the proper changes to the formulation and try again.

And this is expensive. That’s the idea behind the strategy: make the search space smaller and try to make the conversion from the arbitrary initial theory to the theory supported by the engine.

Reasoning engines as tactics

If the solver supports more than one reasoning engine, the engine could be seen as a tactic and which engine to use being determined by the strategy like any other tactic.



A strategy is a series of tacticals and tactics (including the reasoning engine and possibly probes) that combined hope to solve a particular problem: determine if it is sat and get a model of it or it is unsat and get a proof of why.

The search space is in general infinite so it is not possible to solve any arbitrary problem but a strategy may guide the search process into the direction that hopefully will lead to a solution (sat or unsat) in a reasonable time using a reasonable amount of resources.

The search space is generated and explored on each tactic application: multiple edges at time when a ordered-based tactic is used, a single edge when it is a subgoal-reduction tactic.

Adding new goals expands the active search space; removing goals not only reduces the space but also prevents future tactics to readd the removed goal offering a redundancy control.

The application of the tactics is nondeterministic and an well founded order must prioritize which tactic next.

This is where a merit order, a cost function and a heuristic function play a role to prioritize.


[0] Moura, L.D., & Passmore, G. (2013). The Strategy Challenge in SMT Solving. Automated Reasoning and Mathematics.

[1] Bonacina, Maria Paola. (1999). A Taxonomy of Theorem-Proving Strategies. 10.1007/3-540-48317-9_3.

[2] Bonacina, Maria Paola & Hsiang, Jieh. (1998). On the Modelling of Search in Theorem Proving — Towards a Theory of Strategy Analysis. Information and Computation. 147. 171-208. 10.1006/inco.1998.2739.

[3] Kowalski, R. (2012). 10 Search Strategies for Theorem-Proving.

Further readings

[4] Plaisted D.A. (1994) The search efficiency of theorem proving strategies. In: Bundy A. (eds) Automated Deduction — CADE-12. CADE 1994. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)), vol 814. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

[5] Bonacina, Maria Paola & Hsiang, Jieh. (1994). Parallelization of Deduction Strategies: An Analytical Study. J. Autom. Reasoning. 13. 1-33. 10.1007/BF00881910.

Related tags: smt, sat, solver

SMT Goals and Strategies - July 12, 2021 - Martin Di Paola