The Book of Gehn

Document Building: from static web blogs to textbooks

June 12, 2021

I’ve being writing for a long time. I’m far from being a good writer but having the consistency to write at least a blog post every month gave me more expressive power.

Being a non-English native speaker, that also put me in an uncomfortable position –out of the confort zone– but looking back, even with all my mistakes, I really improved.

I’m using a bunch of different technologies to assist me:

And while those have been incredible powerful, I hit the limitations of them in time to time.

This writeup is meant to brainstorm and design a new way to work.

I don’t want to have a single tool to do everything. I want to be more humble and less ambitious and diagram a pipeline flexible enough to help me to simplify and speed up my writings.


Some of my posts are about cryptography, some about logic and certainly I’m going to explore more related fields in the future like quantum computing, mathematics and physics.

All of these posts have mathematical formulas and symbols.

Having the ability to write formulas in Markdown is super helpful (for me). I use inline formulas, like \(E = mc^2\), and block-level formulas:

$$K_{1,1} p_{1,1} + K_{1,2} p_{1,2} = c_{1,1} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\ K_{2,1} p_{1,1} + K_{2,2} p_{1,2} = c_{1,2} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\ K_{1,1} p_{2,1} + K_{1,2} p_{2,2} = c_{2,1} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\ K_{2,1} p_{2,1} + K_{2,2} p_{2,2} = c_{2,2} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\$$

Behind the scenes these are written as:

$$K_{1,1} p_{1,1} + K_{1,2} p_{1,2} = c_{1,1} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\ K_{2,1} p_{1,1} + K_{2,2} p_{1,2} = c_{1,2} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\ K_{1,1} p_{2,1} + K_{1,2} p_{2,2} = c_{2,1} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\ K_{2,1} p_{2,1} + K_{2,2} p_{2,2} = c_{2,2} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\$$

The downside is that my Markdown editor believes that those pieces of text are in Markdown notation so the highlighted syntax goes crazy.

It would be nicer to use Markdown’s code-fenced blocks to make the Markdown engine (and editor) aware of them and turn them into beautiful math symbols later.

Something like:

$$K_{1,1} p_{1,1} + K_{1,2} p_{1,2} = c_{1,1} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\ K_{2,1} p_{1,1} + K_{2,2} p_{1,2} = c_{1,2} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\ K_{1,1} p_{2,1} + K_{1,2} p_{2,2} = c_{2,1} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\ K_{2,1} p_{2,1} + K_{2,2} p_{2,2} = c_{2,2} \quad(\textrm{mod } m) \\$$

Neither Jekyll or Pandoc have something like this, but in Pandoc I could write some Pandoc filter to turn a Markdown code-fenced block tagged as {.math} into Tex/Latex.

And what it means into Tex/Latex exactly is not trivial.

For my blog I use MathJax to render Tex/Latex in the browser; for my lectures/textbook, I use a Tex/Latex engine like pdflatex to get a PDF.

But how to do it using a single pipeline, I dunno.


While Tex/Latex makes beautiful documents, it is not the best language.

Typing \hat{R} to get \(\hat{R}\) gets quickly annoying if you have to write \(\hat{R}\) several times.

In this case I use Tex/Latex macros to write \R instead of \hat{R}.

But what about other non-Tex stuff?

I write a lot about programming and it’s handy to show code with highlighted syntax:

def foo():
void bar(int i) {

Those were made with Markdown’s fenced-code blocks where you tag the block with the language to you are writing.

Jekyll doesn’t, but Pandoc supports tagged inline code.

Just type {.python} after an inline and that’s it but as you may imagine, doing it for each inline code is tedious.

Most of my posts talks about a single language and my textbook is mostly about C/C++ so why not make all the inline code highlighted with a particular syntax by default?

Once again, Pandoc’s filters fit perfect for the job.

Fixing syntax highlighting

pwndbg> pdisass &main 0x1044c <main> push {fp, lr} 0x10450 <main+4> add fp, sp, #4 0x10454 <main+8> sub sp, sp, #0x50 0x10470 <main+36> bl #gets@plt <gets@plt>

For the blog, the code is highlighted with Rouge. It works like a charm but no without some sharp corners.

Its support for assembly is limited. I cannot blame it, there are a lot of assembly syntaxes out there!

A hack that I did was to run some Javascript to patch the HTML in runtime and add the missing CSS classes to the unrecognized mnemonics.

var xpath = ".//div[contains(@class,'language-nasm')]//span[(((text() = 'blt') or (text() = 'b'))]";
var elems_iter = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);

var elems = [];
var el = elems_iter.iterateNext();
while (el) {
    el = elems_iter.iterateNext();
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
    var el = elems[i];
    el.classList.add('k'); // keyword
    el.classList.remove('n'); // noun

I could do the same with Pandoc that uses Pygments for the highlighting. I’ve already have some experience with it from my interactive assembler iasm so it is factible.

Certainly is going to be useful for the textbook.


You cannot set any layout in Markdown: put some image in the right margin, make a text an epigraph or a side-note.

It’s on purpose: Markdown wants to be simple, in contrast with HTML. But in some cases it too simple.

Jekyll allows you to pass HTML code along the Markdown. In my blog I use instead Liquid tags to make my live a little easier.

This allows me not only to avoid writing HTML but also performing arbitrary operations like creating images on the fly (see more later).

In my C/C++ lectures written in Tex/Latex, I required to generate different flavors of slides.

Slides for presenting in class with little text but a lot of diagrams; slides for reading with a lot of text, the handout for the students.

With the pandemic, I switched to virtual classes (no news here). Sharing my screen allowed me to draw over the slides. They have incomplete diagrams that I complete interactively with the students during the lecture.

Make this within Tex/Latex is possible but it is a pain.

So I resorted to use a preprocessor. Similar to Liquid I used Jinja2

While all of these could be done, in theory, with Pandoc filters, I think that having a preprocessor and template engine like Jinja2 can be quite handy.

Images and diagrams

I make a lot of diagrams, state machines and plots but I try to not make them by hand.

Tools that requires a human to do the layout are a waste of time (there are exceptions like me Seaborn Cheatsheet).

Instead I prefer to describe the diagram in text and let a program to do the image and layout for me.

For a lot of them I use PlantUML. Despite the name, it is for more than UML.

For simpler block diagrams I use Ditaa and for graph-like I have the good old Graphviz.

So far I’m using these tools for by blog so I write the PlantUML/Ditaa/Graphviz diagrams (text) inside a Liquid tag in the same Markdown.

During the building, the correct tool is called and the image is generated while the Liquid tag is replaced by some HTML <img> link.

For my C/C++ textbook, I use a Foliant plugin that does the same but instead of Liquid tags, Foliant uses HTML tags as hook points to call third party plugins.

Probably I’m going to use Jinja2 for these too. I’m not convinced of using HTML tags/hooks or Pandoc filters here.

Related to this, make Seaborn and Matplotlib plots from the Markdown directly would be nice too.

Interactive diagrams

This applies only to my blog and Javascript is the thing that brings life anything. From simple Venn diagrams to arbitrary complex D3 diagrams.

But I want those beautiful diagrams be part of my non-interactive lectures and textbook.

How to do it is still an open question.


And not, I’m not talking about ARM.

All the Markdown files are meant to be integrated in some meaningful way. Assembled. Linked.

For the blog, Jekyll generates an independent web page for each post. It just put each in a file that follows the year/month/day/post-name.html pattern name.

A textbook is more complicated however.

Foliant joins together all the Markdown files and call Pandoc once to generate a single Tex/Latex file and from there, a single PDF.

This doesn’t scale.

It would be much efficient to generate a Tex/Latex per Markdown file, a PDF per file and join them together at the end.

Like in a C/C++ compilation schema, you compile each unit separately and link them at the end: if you have to modify a single file, you just need to compile that one only and not the whole thing.

Foliant does this on purpose and for a good reason: when you write a textbook you want to have links and references to other parts including parts of other Markdown files.

To resolve them, all the Markdown files need to be processed as a single unit.

To have a separated unit compilation, I’m going to figure out how to resolve the links and references at the Tex/Latex level.

A simple cat *.pdf > final.pdf will not work.


A few things that I do manually:

Some will still be manual (like checking the grammar) but the rest should be part of the pipeline.

The review of any broken link could be done at the Pandoc filter level for example.


There are a lot of tools to call in sequence and to avoid recompilation, a tool should not be called if its input didn’t change since the last time it was called.

I don’t want to generate the same HTML page if the Markdown didn’t change.

Jekyll does a relative good thing here but Foliant doesn’t.

I think that a plain Makefile should work. May be something on top to visualize the pipeline?

And the toolchain should be in its own Docker.

Final thoughts

Rewrite my blog, lectures and the work-in-progress textbook is not going to be trivial.

There are a lot of gaps and problems without solution but I bet that this is going to improve my workflow.

So far, this is want I think it may work:

Fingers crossed.

Related tags: blog, latex

Document Building: from static web blogs to textbooks - June 12, 2021 - Martin Di Paola