The Book of Gehn

Verifying some bithacks

May 17, 2021

We are going to verify some of the bit twiddling hacks made and collected by Sean Eron Anderson and other authors.

This is the classical scenario to put on test your Z3 skills.

The plan is to pick 4 bithacks and verify them with Z3. Who knows, we may find a bug.

Detect if two integers have opposite signs

This is a simple bithack suggested by Manfred Weis.

int x, y;               // input values to compare signs

bool f = ((x ^ y) < 0); // true iff x and y have opposite signs

It has an immediate translation to Z3 using BitVecs:

>>> from z3 import BitVecs, Solver, If, And, Or

>>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
>>> f = (x ^ y) < 0

To verify this we will set an assumption that contradicts the expected (and correct) value: if we find it satisfiable it means that the model found by Z3 is a counterexample and then a bug.

An unsatisfiable means that the code is correct.

In this case the assumption is simple:

>>> same_sign = Or(And(x >= 0, y >= 0), And(x < 0, y < 0))

>>> s = Solver()
>>> s.add(If(same_sign, False, True) != f)

>>> s.check()


Conditionally negate a value without branching

The following bithack suggested by Avraham Plotnitzky.

bool fDontNegate;  // Flag indicating we should not negate v.
int v;             // Input value to negate if fDontNegate is false.
int r;             // result = fDontNegate ? v : -v;

r = (fDontNegate ^ (fDontNegate - 1)) * v;

Its translation to Z3 is almost immediate:

>>> from z3 import BitVecs, Solver, If, Or

>>> fDontNegate, = BitVecs('fDontNegate', 32)
>>> v, = BitVecs('v', 32)
>>> f = (fDontNegate ^ (fDontNegate - 1)) * v

The C code uses a bool for the fDontNegate variable but in Z3 we use a BitVec of the same width than the input.

Z3 does not know how to upcast a bool to a BitVec and mixing variables of different sort leads to error.

Instead we just see the boolean as an BitVec.

The C99 and C++11 specifications say that a boolean can be seen as a 0 (false) or as a 1 (true).

>>> s = Solver()
>>> s.add(Or(fDontNegate == 0, fDontNegate == 1))   # force a boolean value

Now, we assume the contradiction.

>>> s.add(If(fDontNegate == 1, v, -v) != f)

>>> s.check()

And nope, no counterexample was found: the bithack is correct.

Merge bits from two values according to a mask

This bithack was suggested by Ron Jeffery.

unsigned int a;    // value to merge in non-masked bits
unsigned int b;    // value to merge in masked bits
unsigned int mask; // 1 where bits from b should be selected; 0 where from a.
unsigned int r;    // result of (a & ~mask) | (b & mask) goes here

r = a ^ ((a ^ b) & mask);

The verification steps are the same, nothing new around here.

>>> from z3 import BitVecs, Solver, If, And, Or, Bools

>>> a, b, mask = BitVecs('a b mask', 32)
>>> r = a ^ ((a ^ b) & mask)

>>> s = Solver()
>>> s.add(((a & ~mask) | (b & mask)) != r)

>>> s.check()

Select the bit position (from the most-significant bit) with the given count (rank)

This is a long one.

This bithack was suggested by Juha Järvi and it is much more complex than the others bithacks.

Given an uint64_t number v and a rank r (a number between 1 and 64), the bithack returns the position s of the bit that it is the rth 1 bit counting from the left.

The following 64-bit code selects the position of the rth 1 bit when counting from the left.

The C code is quite large so we are going to go to the Z3 code directly, step by step.

The bithack uses a, b, c, d and t as intermediate and temporal values. These are not variables of the model so we don’t need to create a BitVec for them.

On the other hand, v and r are. In the C code r is 32 bits integer and v is 64 bits but in the following setup both will have the same width of 64 bits.

This is required because Z3 does not know how to upper cast or promote a 32 bits integer to 64 bits.

It is easier to use 64 bits and constraint its range.

>>> from z3 import BitVecs, Solver, If, And, Or, Bools, ULT, Not
>>> solver = Solver()
>>> v, r = BitVecs('v r', 64)

>>> solver.add(1 <= r, r <= 64) # rank valid range [1-64]

>>> UL3 = 0x5555555555555555
>>> UL5 = 0x3333333333333333
>>> UL11 = 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
>>> UL101 = 0xff00ff00ff00ff

This is the first setup. Notice how a, b and others are just expressions and not Z3’s variables.

>>> a = v - ((v >> 1) & UL3)
>>> b = (a & UL5) + ((a >> 2) & UL5)
>>> c = (b + (b >> 4)) & UL11
>>> d = (c + (c >> 8)) & UL101

>>> t = (d >> 32) + (d >> 48)
>>> s = 64

In C r is a variable: a piece of memory which value can change.

But in Z3 we want to preserve the variables and don’t change them. Their should be constants.

Instead we will use a simple Python variable q to hold the intermediate expressions.

In C we have:

r -= (t & ((t - r) >> 8))   // note the -= modifier

But in Python we introduce q instead

>>> q  = r - (t & ((t - r) >> 8))   # changed from -= to a plain =

Now q is a Z3 expression and we can replace it by another like in C we replace one value by other for the same variable.

The rest are just a copy-and-paste from the bithack.

>>> s -= ((t - r) & 256) >> 3
>>> t  = (d >> (s - 16)) & 0xff

>>> s -= ((t - q) & 256) >> 4
>>> q -= (t & ((t - q) >> 8))
>>> t  = (c >> (s - 8)) & 0xf

>>> s -= ((t - q) & 256) >> 5
>>> q -= (t & ((t - q) >> 8))
>>> t  = (b >> (s - 4)) & 0x7

>>> s -= ((t - q) & 256) >> 6
>>> q -= (t & ((t - q) >> 8))
>>> t  = (a >> (s - 2)) & 0x3

>>> s -= ((t - q) & 256) >> 7
>>> q -= (t & ((t - q) >> 8))
>>> t  = (v >> (s - 1)) & 0x1

>>> s -= ((t - q) & 256) >> 8
>>> s = 65 - s

Verification - when s != 64

Now, the funny part. How to verify this?

First a sanity check: s must always to be between 1 and 64 – it is the position of a bit in a 64 bits width number after all.

>>> solver.check(Or(s <= 0, 64 < s)) # check out of range for selected bit

Ok, let’s see what s value we have for some values of v and r.

# The 60th bit is the first 1 counting from the left (rank 1)
>>> solver.check(v == 0b00010001, r == 1)
>>> solver.model().eval(s)

# The 64th bit is the second 1 counting from the left (rank 2)
>>> solver.check(v == 0b00010001, r == 2)
>>> solver.model().eval(s)

Verifying that s is correct for every possible value of r and v by enumerating each possible case is not feasible.

It’s just too expensive, in time, memory and brain power.

So the plan is build a set of constraints that lead to a contradiction against s: if it is satisfiable, the model (solution) found will be a counterexample and we’ll know that s is wrong.

Assume that we fix s and r to s = 60 and r = 2. What we know about v?

We know that v has one 1 bit set at position 60 (reading from left), which it is the rank bit and on the left of it it has one and only one 1 bit more.

v could be one of these to name a few:

MSB  rank bit  LSB
   \     V    /
    ::10010000      (the :: means a bunch of zero
    ::01010000       to fill the 64 bits bit vector)
one and only one
    1 bit

From the picture we can think, what value v is the lowest of all the possible v values that satisfy s = 60 and r = 2?

A number is lower than other than another if it has fewer 1 bits and those are in the right side (lesser significant bits).

We cannot reduce the count of 1 bits on the left side of the rank bit: we are forced to have r - 1 bits otherwise we would violate the r = 2 condition. But we have no restriction on the right side.

The minimum v value has all zeros on the right and it has all the 1 bits “pushed” to the left of the rank bit as possible.

In short:

     rank bit
    ::00110000 ← the minimum
a single 1

Given s and r we can write the minimum value in two steps:

>>> minimum = ((1 << r) - 1) << (64 - s)

The next question is, what are the greatest v of all the possible v that satisfy s and r?

The maximum v value has all the r - 1 1 bits on the left (most significant bits) and the bits on the right of the rank bits are all 1.

It is basically the same reasoning for the minimum but in the opposite direction.

In short:

     rank bit
    ::00110000 ← the minimum
   1::00011111 ← the maximum
a single 1

The maximum has two parts.

>>> highpart = ((1 << (r-1)) - 1) << (64 - (r-1))
>>> lowerpart = (1 << (64 - s + 1)) - 1

Trivially, the maximum is:

>>> maximum = highpart | lowerpart

Now, let’s try to find a counterexample: a number v that does not satisfy the minimum/maximum range for some valid r and s.

The BitVecs are signed integers and they use signed comparisons. In our definition of minimum and maximum we though them as unsigned so we need to use Z3’s ULT functions (unsigned less than).

>>> not_in_range = Or(ULT(v, minimum), ULT(maximum, v))

>>> solver.check(s != 64, not_in_range) # byexample: +timeout=120 +skip

The extra assumption s != 64 is because while 64 is a valid position, it is also used as an error.

A trivial error settings that violates the minimum/maximum range could be:

>>> solver.check(s == 64, r == 2, v == 1, not_in_range)

Verification - when s == 64 (first try)

Because s = 64 means that the rank bit is the LSB, we know that we must have r - 1 bits in the rest of the bit vector.

In particular we must have exactly r 1 bits in v – no more, no less.

So we have two scenarios:

For the bit-count we can use a naive bithack

>>> def bit_count(v):
...     count = 0
...     for i in range(64):
...         count += v & 1
...         v >>= 1 # we can override v here 'cause it won't affect the outer v
...     return count

>>> good_cases = And(bit_count(v) == r, (v & 1) == 1)
>>> bad_cases = bit_count(v) < r

Finally we check the negation of it. Sadly the check takes too much time and I don’t know the result

>>> solver.check(s == 64, And(Not(good_cases), Not(bad_cases)))     # byexample: +skip
"i don't know bro"

Verification - when s == 64 (second try)

The naive approach iterates 64 times, perhaps we could use the Kernighan’s way.

In C, it goes through as many iterations as 1 bits are in v.

unsigned int v; // count the number of bits set in v
unsigned int c; // c accumulates the total bits set in v
for (c = 0; v; c++) {
  v &= v - 1; // clear the least significant bit set

However in Z3 we must go through all the 64 iterations because in the Kernighan’s code, the loops ends when the variable v is zero.

In C, you are evaluating the code in each instruction; in Z3 you are defining code but no evaluation is taking place.

This makes an iteration dependent of the previous one: when checking (evaluation) the model yields v = 0 for some iteration, then the rest of the iteration should be no-ops.

So we must express this in Z3, we must stablish the relation between one iteration and the next one for all the 64 iterations:

>>> from z3 import BitVecVal
>>> def bit_count(v):
...     c = BitVecVal(0, 64)
...     for i in range(64):
...         # Create a "new generation" expression for 'c'
...         # based if v != 0 or not
...         c = If(v != 0, c + 1, c)
...         # Only the last instruction can "update" 'v'
...         v = If(v != 0, v & (v - 1), v)
...     return c

In the code above I introduced an auxiliary c variable. This is because the C variable c = 0 will be interpreted by Z3’s If as a boolean (false) that cannot be promoted later to a BitVec.

To enforce the correct type, we use a BitVecVal value initialized to 0.

>>> good_cases = And(bit_count(v) == r, (v & 1) == 1)
>>> bad_cases = bit_count(v) < r

>>> solver.check(s == 64, And(Not(good_cases), Not(bad_cases)))     # byexample: +skip
"i don't know bro"

Unfortunately, it didn’t work either.

Verification - when s == 64 (third try - the good one)

In both cases, the naive and the Kernighan’s way of counting bits created 64 restrictions.

In particular they are nested or entangled restrictions: one restriction depends on a previous one.

Moreover, we use arithmetic addition (+). When we perform a bit operation like and (&), each output bit is calculated based on its two input bits and independently from the rest.

But when we add two bit vectors, the carry bit is propagated from the LSB to the MSB making the output bit dependant of the input bits on its right (LSBs).

The arithmetic addition entangles the bits.

Long story short: it will be slow.

The key is to operate in parallel.

And this bithack suggested by Andrew Shapira, improved later by Charlie Gordon and Don Clugston, Eric Cole, Al Williams and Sean Eron Anderson will do the trick.

>>> def bit_count(v):
...     UL3 = 0x5555555555555555
...     UL15 = 0x3333333333333333
...     UL255a = 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
...     UL255b = 0x101010101010101
...     S = (8 - 1) * 8
...     v = v - ((v >> 1) & UL3)            # temp
...     v = (v & UL15) + ((v >> 2) & UL15)  # temp
...     v = (v + (v >> 4)) & UL255a         # temp
...     c = (v * UL255b) >> S               # count
...     return c

>>> z = bit_count(v)    # compute this once
>>> good_cases = And(z == r, (v & 1) == 1)
>>> bad_cases = z < r

>>> solver.check(s == 64, And(Not(good_cases), Not(bad_cases))) # byexample: +timeout=600


The hidden bug

The link in the index to the last bithack is broken.

Not very exciting bug though.

Final thoughts

Verification is hard.

Thinking in a way to build a set of restrictions and assumptions that could lead to a contradiction without leading to an exponential search is not trivial.

Working with shifts, masks and binary operations is not a problem but when we do arithmetics the bits not longer are independent.

Arithmetic operations entangle the bits.

for-loops are also another way to entangle the bits when the loop condition depends on the value of a Z3 variable.

for-loops like those forces us to model all the iterations.

With respect to Z3, BitVec works pretty well but it lacks of a way to promote or upcast to wider BitVecs. This needs to be done by hand.

And don’t forget that BitVec is a signed integer so < are signed by default.

Related tags: z3, smt, sat, solver, bitvec, verify bithacks

Verifying some bithacks - May 17, 2021 - Martin Di Paola