The Book of Gehn

Planning Space Missions with Z3

May 2, 2021

A space company is planning the next 4 years. It has several projects, each one with its own budget requirement per year, but the company has a limited budget to invest.

Moreover, some projects depends on others to make them feasible and some projects cannot be done if other projects due unbreakable restrictions.

Project 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Depends Not Profit
1 Cube-1 nano-sat 1.1 2 12
2 Cube-2 nano-sat 2.5 2 12
3 Infrared sat 1 4.1 on 6 with 4 18
4 Colored img sat 2 8 with 3 15
5 Mars probe 2 8 4.4 on 1 & 2 12
6 Microwave tech 4 2.3 2 1

Under an incredible amount of assumptions and good luck, what is the best strategy to maximize the profit?

We can model if one project is make or not with a boolean variable \(P_i\); we not longer are in the plane of pure real linear programming.

The relation between the profit and them is simply:

$$ Z = max\{12 P_1 + 12 P_2 + 18 P_3 + 15 P_4 + 12 P_5 + 1 P_6 \} $$

But we have restriction on the budget per year. Let’s say 6 and let’s assume that the unspent budget of one year \(B_j\) can be used the next one (and let’s assume that the unspent budget is not part of the profit).

$$ 1.1 P_1 + 4 P_6 + B_1 = 6 \\ 2 P_1 + 2.5 P_2 + 2 P_5 + 2.3 P_6 + B_2 = 6 + B_1 \\ 2 P_2 + 1 P_3 + 2 P_4 + 8 P_5 + 2 P_6 + B_3 = 6 + B_2 \\ 4.1 P_3 + 8 P_4 + 4.4 P_5 + B_4 = 6 + B_3 $$

This is mixed linear programming: mixing integers (booleans) and real arithmetics.

The interesting part is how to model the restrictions between the projects using only integers/booleans.

Boolean theory as integer linear inequalities

The company could choose to do project 3 or project 4 but not both.

Becase all the variables \(P_i\) can be 0 or 1, this is modeled as:

$$ P_3 + P_4 <= 1 $$

In general, zero or one restriction among \(X_i\) is modeled as

$$ \sum_{\forall i} X_i <= 1 $$

We can tweak this to make an one and only one restriction (\(\sum_{\forall i} X_i = 1\)), a at least N restriction (\(\sum_{\forall i} X_i >= N\)), a no more than N restriction (\(\sum_{\forall i} X_i <= N\)) and more.

In particular, the at least 1 is equivalent to do the boolean or operation: \(X_1 ∨ X_2 ∨ \dots ∨ X_n = Y\)

What about the dependency restrictions? Project 3 depends on 6 and project 5 depends on 1 and 2.

$$ P_3 <= P_6 \\ 2 P_5 <= P_1 + P_2 \\ $$

In general, a boolean variable \(Y\) depends on \(N\) boolean variables \(X_i\), then

$$ N Y <= \sum_{\forall i} X_i $$

As before, we can tweak this to make a depends on at least M restriction (\(M Y <= \sum_{\forall i} X_i\) with \(M < N\)).

A \(Y\) depends on \(X_i\) is weaker than \(X_i ⟹ Y\) (in the former case, \(Y\) may be false even of all the dependencies are satisfied).

An implication can be modeled as:

$$ N Y <= \sum_{\forall i} X_i <= (N-1) + Y $$

This last one can be seen as if all the dependencies are set, \(Y\) is set. In boolean terminology, this is an and: \(X_1 ∧ X_2 ∧ \dots ∧ X_n = Y\)

Z3 time!

>>> from z3 import Bools, Reals, Optimize
>>> s = Optimize()

>>> P = Bools('P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6') # P[0] will not be used
>>> B = Reals('B0 B1 B2 B3 B4') # B[0] will not be used

>>> profit = s.maximize(12 * P[1] + 12 * P[2] + 18 * P[3] + 15 * P[4] + 12 * P[5] + 1 * P[6])

Variables P[0] and B[0] are not used, they were created just to make the P[i] notation to match with the inequalities of above.

However, I’m not going to let Z3 pick random values for them so I’m going to pin them:

>>> s.add(
...     P[0] == False,
...     B[0] == 0
... )

The following is a 1-to-1 translation of the inequalities for the budget restrictions:

>>> s.add(
...     1.1 * P[1] + 4   * P[6] +       B[1] == 6,
...     2   * P[1] + 2.5 * P[2] + 2   * P[5] + 2.3 * P[6] +     B[2] == 6 + B[1],
...     2   * P[2] + 1   * P[3] + 2   * P[4] + 8   * P[5] + 2 * P[6] + B[3] == 6 + B[2],
...     4.1 * P[3] + 8   * P[4] + 4.4 * P[5] +       B[4] == 6 + B[3]
... )

Now, I want to set the dependency and conflict restrictions in two different ways: using inequalities as described above and using Z3 high level abstraction to work with Bools and its support for boolean theories.

Because of this I’m going to preserve a copy of the current object s to restore it later.

>>> s.push()

Note: technically push() and pop() also change what solver can be used; a safer alternative could be use Optimize’s deep copy. However, currently in Z3 version 4.8.10 it is not supported (a bug perhaps?)

Integer linear programming

>>> from z3 import IntSort

>>> to_int = lambda b: IntSort().cast(b)
>>> s.add(
...     # conflict rule: or P3 or P4 but not both
...     to_int(P[3]) + to_int(P[4]) <= 1,
...     # dependency rule: P3 depends on P6
...     to_int(P[3]) <= to_int(P[6]),
...     # dependency rule: P5 depends on P1 and P2
...     2 * P[5] <= to_int(P[1]) + to_int(P[2])
... )

As you see, Bools cannot be added up or compared by inequality directly (how would you interpret True + True?). Instead we cast them to integers.

In the other inequalities we didn’t have to because things like 2 * P[5] already makes an integer expression; multiplying by 0 or 1 does not work however.

Note: currently in Z3 version 4.8.10 has a ToInt function but it does not work with Bools (BoolRef objects).

>>> s.check()

>>> profit.value()

>>> m = s.model()
>>> print("Projects:\n", *[f"- {P[i]} = {m[P[i]]}\n" for i in range(1, 7)])
 - P1 = True
 - P2 = True
 - P3 = True
 - P4 = False
 - P5 = True
 - P6 = True

Now let’s see how we can rewrite the inequalities for dependency and conflict restrictions.

Boolean theory

First we restore the solver to the point before adding those inequalities:

>>> s.pop()

Now we use boolean expressions that may make more sense:

>>> from z3 import And, If
>>> s.add(
...     # conflict rule: P3 and P4 cannot happen
...     And(P[3], P[4]) == False,
...     # If the dependency P6 is not met, P3 must be False,
...     # otherwise whatever P3 is fine
...     If(P[6] == False, P[3] == False, P[3]),
...     # If the dependencies P1 and P2 are not met, P5 must be False,
...     # otherwise whatever P5 is fine
...     If(And(P[1], P[2]) == False, P[5] == False, P[5])
... )

>>> s.check()

>>> profit.value()
>>> m = s.model()
>>> print("Projects:\n", *[f"- {P[i]} = {m[P[i]]}\n" for i in range(1, 7)])
 - P1 = True
 - P2 = True
 - P3 = True
 - P4 = False
 - P5 = True
 - P6 = True

Z3 has a bunch of boolean expressions/functions that can replace the traditional inequalities: If, AtMost, AtLeast, Implies, And, Or and Not.

Related tags: z3, smt, sat, solver, integer linear optimization

Planning Space Missions with Z3 - May 2, 2021 - Martin Di Paola