The Book of Gehn


February 18, 2021

What does the following code?

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  int x[5];
  printf("%p\n", x);
  printf("%p\n", x+1);
  printf("%p\n", &x);
  printf("%p\n", &x+1);
  return 0;

This problem was posted in 2011.

Apparently t born in the context of the developing of ksplice, a project made by the students of the MIT to patch the Linux kernel in runtime without needing to boot.

The challenge is just about printing 4 things.

Despite being so simple in comparison with what ksplice does, the challenge may had a few surprises for you.

The analysis

We reserve 5 ints in the stack:

?: #include <stdio.h>
?: int x[5];

The examples that are you seeing are executed by real in a machine and compared by real with expected values below the example.

Because I cannot hardcode an address (because they are not deterministic) I’m going to capture the address with the <array-addr> tag and use it later for comparison.

The magic behind this is byexample.

We then print the address of the array:

?: printf("%p\n", x);

The address of the array is the address of the first element. In a more verbose but perhaps more explicit notation:

byexample will paste the previously captured text replacing the <array-addr> in the snippet.

Remember this is the number printed by the previous printf. Because it is an integer the compiler will warn us due the comparison of a pointer (left side) and a number (right side).

The (int*) cast is to tell the compiler “it is okay to compare”.

?: (&x[0] == (int*) <array-addr>)        // byexample: +paste
(bool) true

Array increments (and decrements) are in terms of the size of the element.

In our case, the array element is int:

?: printf("%p\n", x+1);

?: (<array-addr> + sizeof(int) == <array-plus-1-addr>)     // byexample: +paste
(bool) true

So that means also that x+1 is the same than &x[1].

?: (&x[1] == (int*) <array-plus-1-addr>)     // byexample: +paste
(bool) true

The philosofical question begins with &x: what is the address of the address of an array?

Well the fact it is the address itself, a kind of self-referencing notation:

?: printf("%p\n", &x);

?: (<array-addr> == <ampersand-array-addr>)      // byexample: +paste
(bool) true

Now the &x+1 requires understand the operator precedence.

The address-of operator has more precedence than the addition operator so we should interprete the expression as (&x)+1.

?: (&x+1 == (&x)+1)      // byexample: +paste
(bool) true

This is when the thing gets weird.

An address is not just a number, it carries information of the type: x is an int[5] array so &x points to an int[5] array.

My initial thought was (&x) is an address so +1 adds 1 to the address. I was so wrong.

It is a pointer so the addition is in terms of the size of the element pointer to: not sizeof(int) but sizeof(int[5])!.

?: printf("%p\n", &x+1);

?: (<ampersand-array-addr> + sizeof(int[5]) == <ampersand-array-plus-1-addr>)      // byexample: +paste
(bool) true

For completeness, &(x+1) is the address of the second element’s address. An address of an address makes no sense:

?: printf("%p\n", &(x+1));
<...>cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'int *'<...>

Final score

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  int x[5];
  printf("%p\n", x);        // Good
  printf("%p\n", x+1);      // Good
  printf("%p\n", &x);       // Good
  printf("%p\n", &x+1);     // EPIC FAIL
  return 0;

Honestly, &x+1 took me by surprise.

Bonus track

cdecl, a tool to compose and decode C/C++ type declarations.

$ cdecl declare 'signal as function (arg1,arg2) returning pointer to function returning void'   # byexample:  +if=cdecl-installed
void (*signal(arg1, arg2))()

$ cdecl explain 'char *(*fptab[])()'   # byexample:  +if=cdecl-installed
declare fptab as array of pointer to function returning pointer to char

Related tags: pointer, memory

Ksplice-Pointer-Challenge - February 18, 2021 - Martin Di Paola