The Book of Gehn

Necklaces, Lyndon words and De Bruijn Sequences

February 15, 2021

What have in common a dense arrays for mapping numbers power of 2 to some objects, DNA sequencing and brute-forcing the lock pad of your neighbor?


Given an alphabet of \(k\) symbols, you can build strings of length \(n\) from it.

For a binary alphabet \({0,1}\) these are the strings of length 4:

    0000    0100    1000    1100
    0001    0101    1001    1101
    0010    0110    1010    1110
    0011    0111    1011    1111

A set of elements like the strings above can be classified: choose a relationship among the elements and build a class where all the elements of the class have the same relation.

Mathematically, each class is defined as

$$ C = { x \in X \vert a \sim x }$$

Where \(a\) is one element of the set \(X\) that is used as a reference.

For example, we can classify the binary strings in two classes: the ones that have its last bit equal to 0 and the ones which don’t.

In other words: the even and the odd numbers.

    0000    0100    |    0001    0101
    0010    0110    |    0011    0111
    1000    1100    |    1001    1101
    1010    1110    |    1011    1111

In mathematics jargon, each class is an equivalence class and the relation used to group them is an equivalence relation.


The relation \(x \sim a\) is quite arbitrary; another relation could be the strings of length 4 that are a rotation of another string.

This generates 6 classes:

    0000  |  0001  |  0011  |  0101  |  0111  |  1111
          |  0010  |  0110  |  1010  |  1101  |
          |  0100  |  1100  |        |  1011  |
          |  1000  |  1001  |        |  1110  |

Each equivalence class generated from strings of length \(n\) from an alphabet of \(k\) elements which equivalence relation is the rotation has the special names of necklaces.

The above 6 classes are 6 necklaces for \(k=2\) and \(n=4\).

Aperiodic necklaces

As you notice how many elements a necklace has varies. The necklace generated from all the rotations of 0000 has only one element: {0000}; while the necklace generated from 0001 has 4 elements: {0001, 0010, 0100 and 1000}.

These are two extremes. A middle point is the necklace {0101, 1010}.

You see, if you pick a string and you start rotating it you may find yourself with the same initial string before doing a complete wrap-around.

Pick 0101, rotate it once and you get 1010, and once more and you get the original 0101.

If you do the same with 0001 you will find that you need to perform 4 rotations to get the initial string.

An aperiodic sequence respect the rotation are the strings of length \(n\) that you need to perform exactly \(n\) rotations to get the initial strings.

Therefore the necklace that contains them has exactly \(n\) elements and it is known as aperiodic necklace.

You may find multiple substrings that repeated form the same string. For example 01010101 can be formed repeating 0101 twice or 01 four times.

The fact is that 0101 is in turn periodic. The substring that it is aperiodic is called the aperiodic reduction of the original string.

In our case, 01 is the aperiodic reduction of 0101 and of 01010101.

In contrast, a periodic sequence is a string that is the repetition of a substring that repeats so less rotations are required to get the initial string and therefore the necklace has less than \(n\) elements.

The 0101 is formed by the substring 01 repeated twice.

The analysis of the periodicity of the 6 necklaces follows with the substrings between parenthesis:

    (0)   |    aperiodic   |  (01)  |  aperiodic |  (1)
    0000  |  0001  |  0011 |  0101  |    0111    |  1111
          |  0010  |  0110 |  1010  |    1101    |
          |  0100  |  1100 |        |    1011    |
          |  1000  |  1001 |        |    1110    |

Lyndon words

We focus now in only the aperiodic necklaces:

    0001  |  0011  |  0111
    0010  |  0110  |  1101
    0100  |  1100  |  1011
    1000  |  1001  |  1110

If the alphabet supports a total order, more specifically a lexicographic order, we can sort the elements of each necklace.

Basically we get \(0001 < 0010 < 0100 < 1000\).

For each aperiodic necklace we keep only the smallest:

    0001  |  0011  |  0111

These strings define the Lyndon words of length \(n\) for the alphabet \({0,1}\) (\(k=2\)).

More generally the Lyndon words are the smallest strings of the aperiodic necklaces for all the strings of any length \(n\) for an alphabet of \(k\) elements.

    0, 1, 01, 001, 011, 0001, 0011, 0111, 00001, 00011, 00101, ...

De Bruijn sequence

Choose a natural number \(n\). Select the Lyndon words that have a length that divides \(n\).

For the binary alphabet {0,1}, and choosing \(n=4\) we have the following set of strings of length 1, 2 and 4:

    0, 1, 01, 0001, 0011, 0111

Sorted lexicographically:

    0, 0001, 0011, 01, 0111, 1

If we concatenate them we obtain a De Bruijn sequence


A De Bruijn sequence of order \(n\) has the property than all the substrings of length \(n\) that are possible are contained in the De Bruijn sequence if is seen as a cyclic sequence:

    0............111  =  1110
    00............11  =  1100
    000............1  =  1000

A De Bruijn sequence is the smallest sequence that has this property but it is not unique.

The count of distinct De Bruijn sequences for an alphabet of \(k\) elements and an order of \(n\) is

$$ \frac{(k!)^{k^{n-1}}}{k^n}$$

De Bruijn graphs

Given an alphabet of \(k\) symbols and the strings of \(n\) symbols we can build \(k^n\) different strings.

Consider these strings now nodes of a directed graph.

In this graph the node \(u\) connects to \(v\) if we drop the left most symbol of \(u\) and append on the right one symbol and the result is \(v\).

In Python terms: u[1:] + sym == v.

The resulting edge is labeled with the appended symbol.

For instance, for the given binary strings 00 and 01 we have:

In general for the alphabet \({0,1}\) and the strings of length \(n=2\) we have:

These are the De Bruijn graphs.

A Hamiltonian path over the graph generates a De Bruijn sequence of order \(n\).

That’s it, visit all the nodes of the graph without visiting a node twice and collect the labels of the traversed edges.

This forms the De Bruijn sequence of order \(n\) for the given \(k\).

If instead of a Hamiltonian path we build an Euclidean path, the path generates a De Bruijn sequence of order \(n+1\).

That’s it, visit all the edges of the graph without traveling for the same edge twice and collect the labels along the path.

This forms the De Bruijn sequence of order \(n+1\) for the given \(k\).

De Bruijn sequence construction

As mentioned before we can build a De Bruijn graph and then through a Hamiltonian or Euclidean path we can build a De Bruijn sequence.

But we can skip that and create the sequence directly with the FMK algorithm.

FMK comes from the name of its authors: Fredricksen, Maiorana and Kessler.

A recursive version of the algorithm is shown by Frank Ruskey in his “Combinatorial Generation”.

The algorithm can generate necklaces, Lyndon words, pre-necklaces and De Bruijn sequences. Four in one.

A Python implementation can be found here.


Unlook a door

Imagine that you have a register of \(n\) bits that if it is set to the correct value unlocks a door.

You have \(2^n\) possible combinations.

Typing \(n\) bits \(2^n\) times is is going to take a while but imagine that the register allows you to reuse some of those bits.

On a new input the register shifts its content one bit to the left and the new bit is put on the right.

Does this ring any bells?

You can use a De Bruijn sequence of order \(n\) and reading it bit by bit you can feed the register.

You will end up testing \(2^n\) combinations but you will have to type only 1 bit per test.

Power of 2 mapping

You want to map a value to each power of 2. You could use an dictionary for this like {2**i : vals[i] for i in range(32)}.

A dictionary or a sparse array is needed because you cannot use a dense array for this.

Or can we?

If we are limiting ourselves to power of two up to \(2^{32}\), we only have 32 numbers.

We can then generate a De Bruijn sequence of order \(n\) where \(n=5\) (because \(2^5=32\)).

This sequence will contain \(2^5=32\) different substrings.

Now, remember that multiplying a number by \(2^i\) is the same than shifting the number by \(i\).

If we read the \(n\) most significant bits of the shifted sequence we will have a substring that is unique for the given shift \(i\) and therefore for \(2^i\).

The \(n\) most significant bits forms the index of our dense array.

With \(n=5\) we only need an array of \(32\) elements.

DNA reading

And yes, this is used in DNA reading too.

Related tags: necklace, lyndon, debruijn, string

Necklaces, Lyndon words and De Bruijn Sequences - February 15, 2021 - Martin Di Paola