The Book of Gehn

iasm: Interactive Assembler

January 9, 2021

I crossed with a series of Arm challenges by causality and I decided to give it a shoot.

But I have 0 knowledge about Arm so the disassembly of the binaries were too strange for me.

I stepped back to plan it better: my idea was to use GDB to debug small snippets of Arm code, learn about it before jumping into the challenges.

I setup a QEMU virtual machine running Rasbian in an Arm CPU.

With a GCC and GDB running there I started but the compile-load-debug cycle was too inflexible.

I could not use it to explore.

If I wanted to see the effect of a particular instruction I needed to write it in assembly, compile it and debug it.

And the time between the “what does X?” and the “X does this” was too large, reducing the momentum that you have when you explore something new.

Too tedious.

So I decided to shorten the cycle writing an interactive assembler.

First try: GDB as the engine

GDB can manipulate the memory of the debuggee process. In particular we could write binary code, jump to it and execute it. Perfect.

But GDB doesn’t have a compiler for assembly.

Or has it?

Keystone engine

No, but one can be implemented easily with keystone-engine.

Keystone takes assembly code and compiles it. Having Python bindings we could put this into a GDB plugin and presto!

Second try: Unicorn engine

GDB requires a full operative system (Rasbian) running in a full emulated QEMU machine.

Can we make it lighter? – Yes we can.

Unicorn engine

unicorn-engine it is a CPU emulator based on QEMU.

The trick is that Unicorn only emulates the CPU and memory and nothing else: no devices, disks or network cards.

Without anything to manage, Unicorn does not need an operative system making it a solution much lighter.

And better, the Python bindings for Unicorn gives us access to the CPU registers and memory so we can get rid of GDB.

iasm: keystone + unicorn + python

I soon realized that while learning Arm by writing code is the best way to do it, writing everything in assembly is hard.

Simple tasks like initialize the registers or print a chunk of stack involves several instructions.

In Python r0 = 1111127999. In Arm:

100:0>     ldr r0, .Lval
100:0> .Lval:
100:0>     .word 1111127999

So, iasm has an escape mode. Basically I call eval/exec emulating with Python variables like r0 and M registers and memory.

And that’s iasm an keystone assembler connected with a unicorn emulator and some python code to glue them.


Python Prompt Toolkit

python-prompt-toolkit or PPT for short, is a library to build CLI applications.

It has syntax highlighting as you write (using pygments), autocompletion and command line history.

An enhanced replacement for Python’s input for sure.


Unicorn has mem_read and mem_write to change the memory of the process but like any other process, the memory pages need to be mapped before with mem_map and released with mem_unmap.

mu.mem_map(0x1000, 0x2000)
mu.mem_write(0x1100, 0x1200, b"A" * 0x100)
mu.mem_read(0x1100, 0x1200)
mu.mem_unmap(0x1000, 0x2000)

iasm has a more pythonic syntax accessible from the Python shell:

100:0> ;! M[0x1000:0x2000] = 0  # map and initialize
Mapping memory region [0x1000-0x1fff] (sz 0x1000)

100:0> ;! M[0x1050:0x1055] = 0x41       # write like 'memset'
100:0> ;! M[0x1055:0x105a] = b'B' * 5   # write like 'memcpy'

100:0> ;! M[0x1050:0x105a]     # read

100:0> ;! M    # list mapped pages
[0x1000-0x1fff] (sz 0x1000)
[0x1000000-0x11fffff] (sz 0x200000)

100:0> ;! del M[0x1000:0x2000]    # unmap

Allocate stack

To allocate the stack and setup the (Arm) registers just run:

100:0> ;! M[0x1000:0x2000] = 0
Mapping memory region [0x1000-0x1fff] (sz 0x1000)

100:0> ;! fp = sp = 0x2000

Now, play with it and practice your (Arm) assembly:

100:0> mov r0, #4
100:0> mov r1, #8
100:0> push {r0, r1}

And check the stack (was r0 pushed before r1 or not? Check it!)

100:0> ;! M[sp:]   # from sp to the end of the mapped page

Initialization script

Write in a file all the initialization like the stack allocation and load it from the command line with -i.

$ echo ';! r0 = r1 = r2 = 8' > init

$ iasm -a arm -m arm -i init
Mapping memory region [0x1000000-0x11fffff] (sz 0x200000)
------  -  ------  -  ------  -  ------  -----
    r0  8  r1      8  r2      8  r3      0

Inline documentation

Following the tradition of Python, iasm includes documentation for the assembly instructions.

After the mnemonic type ? and enter to show it:

100:0> mul ?

Basically what I did was to convert to text the manual of reference of the ISA (typically it is a PDF file) and then parse the text.

I only focused in the documentation of the instructions, the rest is up to the user to search the complete story in the official documentation (only Arm for now)

Globs registers

iasm allows to select which registers to show using globs, Unix like pattern expressions defined by fnmatch.

$ iasm -a arm -m arm -r 'r[0-9]'
Mapping memory region [0x1000000-0x11fffff] (sz 0x200000)
--  -  -----  -  --  -  --  -
r0  0  r1     0  r2  0  r3  0
r4  0  r5     0  r6  0  r7  0
r8  0  r9/sb  0
--  -  -----  -  --  -  --  -

So the expression r[0-9] selects all the Arm registers from r0 to r15.

Compressed hex values

32 bit numbers are too large to display (and 64 bit address are worse!).

Instead, iasm shows them as compressed hexadecimal numbers.

They are like hexadecimals but the number is split into 4-digits groups divided by a :.

The leading zeros of each group are omitted and if the group is full of zeros only a single 0 is put and if the group is on the left (more significant digits), the whole group is omitted.

Here are some examples:

0x00000000             0
0x000000ab            ab
0x00ab00cd         ab:cd
0x00ab0000          ab:0

Related tags: ARM, reversing, iasm

iasm: Interactive Assembler - January 9, 2021 - Martin Di Paola