The Book of Gehn

RPG - Part I (IDA writeup - EKO 2019)

October 27, 2019

rpg is a buggy game where the player can attack to and defend from attacks of monsters.

Let’s see if we can know how it works.

It is a 64 bits ELF binary:

$ file rpg                      # byexample: +norm-ws
rpg: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux),
statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
BuildID[sha1]=<...>, stripped

We expect some part of libc in the binary and no symbol at all.

So our first task is to find what pieces of the binary are of the game and which aren’t like stdlib.

Strings as Starting Points

Let’s see what strings we can find:

$ strings -a -16 rpg | head -14
Monster %s attack to %s with %d damage.
%s has stopped the attack.
%s is dead. GG WP.
Monster %s defends with %d of defense.
%s hit a critical to %s.
0) Create player
1) Update player name
2) Delete player
3) Player attack
4) Player defend
5) Get current time
User created, first delete it.
Enter player name:
User not created.

Running the program we can map those strings to a mental model of what it does:

If the player was not created, the options 1 to 4 print User not created.; if the player was created selecting 0 again yields a User created, first delete it.

Other strings shown up. Of course, I’m speculating the conversion specifier like %s and %d:

%s defends.
%s roar to %s.
Name: %s
Lives: %d

ctrl+F12 opens the Strings window listing all the strings that IDA found. Pressing enter in one of the strings, IDA shows us the memory where it was found.

Read-only .rodata section where the strings of the game are stored: the ones that we found with strings, the ones that we saw running the program and some others that we did not spot like "date +%s"

Guessing Functions from their Arguments

From there we can go to the locations of the binary that have a reference to each string selecting the label (aMonsterSAttack) and pressing x.

Hint: the mov eax, 0 before the call; the calling convention says that the variadic function (like printf) will receive 0 floating point arguments.

The de facto calling convention in Linux 64 bits says that the first six parameters are passed to the callee in registers rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9 (xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6 and xmm7 for floating point arguments).

With this we could assume that the next call after referencing aMonsterSAttack is a printf-like function.

This is what we got:

Press n on top of a label we can change the name; press : we can add a comment on that line.

To get the pointer to the players name the code does a second indirection: possibly we are dealing with an attribute of a struct.

printf-like function call with four arguments: the format string, the name of the monster, name of the player and the damage.

What about the code that reads the player’s name?

Three calls happen after the print of the message. One of them should be a read like function:

If you said, ey!, may be there is a buffer overflow there. No. Double click in sbuf to go to the Stack view and right click on sbuf and select Convert to Array: based on IDA analysis there are at least 264 bytes (greater than 100h o 256).

Ok, if the second call (sub_400D16) is fgets?, the third should be a strdup? call.


The name is stored in the stack so the only way to make it to survive is copying it to the heap or other global place. strdup will do the trick.

The last instruction marks that the user was created in a global variable.

cs:is_user_created is tested against 0 in several places to check if the user was created or not.

Keep Guessing

The entire block configures the hypothetical player_struct setting the name of the player at the offset 8 (like we saw before) and the lives of the player at the offset 0:

mov     byte ptr [rax], 10h
mov     rax, [rbp+player_struct] ; player's lives (= 16)

No, there are not memory leaks here. The delete player function is a good boy.

If this is correct, mov cs:player_struct, rax saves the pointer to the struct globally, struct allocated at the begin of the block.

The key note here is that we don’t know. We can just guess.

But guessing is good, and the guess in one side may give use the context to understand other pieces of code.

Magic Numbers

The begin of the game gives us more clues

time and sys_alarm are wrappers of syscalls. In Linux a syscall call is made setting the syscall number in the eax register and calling syscall instruction. IDA detects those quite well.
Full of shifts, multiplications and magic numbers like 834E0B5Fh and 41C64E6Dh? That looks like a congruent PRNG. That is how I found srand.

I bet this is something like srand(time(NULL) >> 8).

We found srand, and we found the global state of the PRNG at 6CC100h, now we can find who updates that global state: the guy will probably be the rand function.

Nice Findings

The get time function is quite short: it is just a call to the date program and no command injection is possible.

However this gives us two pieces of information:

The player attack code has a preamble of several operations but after that, there is a interesting section.

It choose a monster name and if it is NULL, jumps to a block that copy the player’s name into the heap and stores it in the array that initially has the names of the monsters.

Then it is passed as the first argument of a indirect call. Initially the only function that should be called is monster_attack but we may point to somewhere.

Interesting things:

Something similar happen in monster_defense and roar functions with the exception that roar returns always 0.

Next Steps

We found a memory leak and a double free but we don’t have a real crash. We just reviewed the code.

We need to keep exploring this, here are some ideas for a future post:

RPG - Part I (IDA writeup - EKO 2019) - October 27, 2019 - Martin Di Paola