The Book of Gehn

From a Regex to a Nondeterministic Finite Automata

July 25, 2019

Before building complex state machine we need to learn the basics blocks.

When the solution to a problem can be seen as set of states with transitions from ones to others, modeling them as a nondeterministic finite automatas makes clear how the solution works and allows to spot deficiencies.

A regular expression is an example of this. As an introductory step let’s review how to turn a regex into a NFA.

Take at look of the source code in Github.

From a regular expression to a NFA

Before getting deep in this, let’s define a very simple problem: we want to validate if a particular string follows or not a given structure.

Let’s assume that this structure can be writing using a regular language.

A regular expresion or regex is a handy way to write this in a concise way. Keep in mind that most of the regex engines are more powerful than a NFA so not all the features that such engines provide can be translated to a NFA.

But a NFA is powerful enough to solve a lot of problems so it worth it.

Labeled transitions

First, we say that the NFA can move from one state to another if there is a transition between the states and it is labeled with the same character that was read.

We represent this with a simple arrow connecting the two states labeled with the particular character.

A NFA allows the use of epsilon transitions or \(\epsilon\)-transitions for short.

A NFA moves from one state to another through a \(\epsilon\)-transition without reading any character: it represents the empty string match.

We are going to drop the label in some cases for clarity in the following diagrams.

Optional match

We this two simple definitions we can build an optional match represented in regex syntax as a?

The optional part can be as complex as we want like another NFA, no necessary must be a simple literal.

We represent any arbitrary complex construction as state machine (\(sm_1\)) defined elsewhere. We plug it using \(\epsilon\)-transitions and we make it optional using a third \(\epsilon\)-transition to bypass \(sm_1\).

Concatenation and repetition of NFAs

Concatenation of two state machines \(sm_1\) and \(sm_2\) (ab in regex syntax).

Two or more NFAs can be concatenated to match a sequence of submatches being linked one to the other using \(\epsilon\)-transitions.

In regex notation this corresponds to ab (a followed by b)

This is made obvious in the diagrams: \(sm_1\) cannot link to itself. Underwood we will have three \(sm_1\) identical objects.

As a extension, a NFA can be link to a clone of itself to match a sequence of repeated submatches. In regex syntax, a{n}.

Repetition of \(sm_1\) three times (a{3} in regex syntax).

We say that the link is to a clone because technically a link to itself would end up in an unbounded loop and what we want instead is a sequence of a fixed size.

When the NFA links to itself, the loop matches an unbounded repetition, a zero or more or klee construction, the famous a*:

Klee construction of \(sm_1\) that accepts zero or more items. Notice the difference between this (link to itself) and the fixed repetition above (link to a clone).

The repetition can have different finite lower and higher bounds to form a range with a minimum and a maximum of repetitions a{,2} a{2,4} or with the higher limit unbounded a{2,} a+.

Repeated at least 2 times, up to 4 times: is the combination of a fixed a{2} followed by an up to a{,2}.


Finally, the a|b regex. As you may guessed, we stick two or more state machines using \(\epsilon\)-transitions.

Disjunction/union of two state machines \(sm_1\) and \(sm_2\).

Further readings

Aho, Lam, Sethi and Ullman. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, & Tools, Second edition, Chapter 3.

You can find a NFA implementation in Python here in Github.

Related tags: regex, automata, state machine, NFA, string

From a Regex to a Nondeterministic Finite Automata - July 25, 2019 - Martin Di Paola