The Book of Gehn

Cape Encryption

February 3, 2019

cape’s site

The Cape library offers a symmetric stream cipher implemented in cape_decrypt and cape_encrypt.

cape_hash is an unfortunately name for a cipher.

In addition, it offers another symmetric stream cipher, a slightly different of the first one, implemented in cape_hash.

In this write-up we are going to analyze the cape_hash stream cipher and see if we can break it.

Warming up

First at all, let’s load a secret and random salt and key and an ASCII pseudo-English plaintext, unknown to us:

?: unsigned char *secret = read("cape-secret", "rb", 1+65535);
?: uint8_t salt = secret[0];
?: unsigned char *key = &secret[1];

?: unsigned char *plaintext = read("assets/cape_encryption/1.txt", "rb", 2852);

?: cape_t cape;
?: cape_init(&cape, key, 65535, salt);

In this post we are going to analyze only the cape_hash cipher so let’s use it to encrypt the plaintext and save it to disk:

?: unsigned char *ciphertext = (unsigned char*) malloc(2852);
?: cape_hash(&cape, plaintext, ciphertext, 2852);

?: write("cape-ciphertext", "wb", ciphertext, 2852)

For breaking the cipher we are going to use cryptonita, a Python lib for cryptanalysis.

>>> from cryptonita import B                 # byexample: +timeout=10
>>> ciphertext = B(open("cape-ciphertext", "rb").read())
>>> plaintext = B(open("assets/cape_encryption/1.txt", "rt").read())

Too short key stream

The cape_hash cipher is as follows:

uint8_t srk = cape->salt ^ cape->reduced_key;
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    uint8_t isrk = srk ^ i;
    destination[i] = source[i] ^ isrk ^ cape->key[isrk % cape->length];

cape->reduced_key is a 8 bits secret value derived from the secret key cape->key.

We will consider that cape->salt as secret too.

Technically, it can hold 65536 bytes but the length is a 16 bits unsigned integer so we lost one number wasted by representing the 0 length

Despite that cape->key can hold 65535 bytes, isrk has only 8 bits and therefor the isrk ^ cape->key[ .. ] can only give 256 bytes and after that it will repeat itself.

That means that plaintext of more than 256 bytes will be xored with a repeating key stream and we know how to break this.

(Partially) Known plaintext attack

Because the key stream is repeating within the encryption of a single plaintext, if we know a part of the plaintext we can break the rest.

Given the first 256 bytes of the plaintext, the 256 key stream are trivially found:

>>> known_plaintext = plaintext[:256]
>>> kstream = known_plaintext ^ ciphertext[:256]

Then, we decrypt the rest of the message just xoring the ciphertext with the key stream reapeating it each 256 bytes:

>>> dmsg = ciphertext ^ kstream.inf()
>>> dmsg == plaintext

If the original key has less than 256 bytes, the amount of known plaintext required is less: the same amount of bytes that the key has.

Ciphertext only attack

Even if we don’t have access to a known plaintext, we can mount an ciphertext only attack.

Take the ciphertext and split it in blocks of 256 bytes each. Then, stack them so you will have a matrix of 256 columns.

The last row, however it could contain less bytes (because the ciphertext length is not multiple of 256); for simplicity we are dropping it.

>>> from cryptonita.conv import transpose, uniform_length

>>> len(ciphertext)

>>> tmp = ciphertext.nblocks(256)
>>> tmp = uniform_length(tmp, length=256)   # drop any shorter row

Because the key stream is repeated, each column will be xored with the same key stream byte.

If this matrix is transposed, each row will be xored with the same key stream byte:

>>> tciphertexts = transpose(tmp)
>>> len(tciphertexts) # rows

>>> len(tciphertexts[0]) # columns

Frequency attack

Given the fact that the plaintext is written in ASCII English, we can mount a frequency attack.

freq_attack assume that one of the most_common plaintext symbols is in the ntop of the ciphertext symbols, encrypted of course.

In this case we are going to use the famous ETAOIN SHRDLU model.

As rule of thumb 64 bytes is cool.

For longer ciphertexts you can set ntop = 1 and assume that the most frequent cipher-symbol is one of the most common plaintext symbols encrypted.

But with only len(tciphertexts[0]) == 11, we need to set ntop to higher value.

>>> from cryptonita.scoring.freq import etaoin_shrdlu   # byexample: +timeout 10
>>> from cryptonita.attacks import freq_attack

>>> most_common = etaoin_shrdlu()
>>> ntop = 5

Under this hypothesis, a possible byte key is just the xor of those two: in the worst case we will have len(most_common) * ntop guesses:

>>> len(most_common) * ntop

But in the practice we have less (duplicated are removed):

>>> gkey1 = freq_attack(tciphertexts[0], most_common, ntop)

>>> len(gkey1)

Without a frequency attack we could try the whole space of 256 bytes. It is totally feasible but it is faster to do a frequency attack first to reduce the search space

gkey1 is a guess: the most likely possible values for the first byte of the key stream.

Brute force

We can discard some guesses if they produce the wrong plaintext.

Even if the alphabet of all ASCII printable has 100 symbols and the proposed has 64 symbols (more than half), the impact of this is enormous reducing the guesses in two or more orders of magnitude.

Knowing that the plaintext has a reduced set of ASCII printable of letters, numbers and only a few punctuation symbols we can narrow the set of guesses further:

>>> from functools import partial
>>> from cryptonita.scoring import all_in_alphabet

>>> alphabet = B(b"\n !',-.012356789?ABCDEFGHIJLMORSTVWY[]abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")

>>> all_in_alphabet = partial(all_in_alphabet, alphabet=alphabet)

Now, we filter out any key that the decrypted message does not fit in out plaintext model.

Once again we will obtain a guess, but a shorter one this time:

>>> from cryptonita.attacks import brute_force
>>> gkey1 = brute_force(tciphertexts[0], score_func=all_in_alphabet, key_space=gkey1)

>>> len(gkey1)

Repeating this for all the 256 ciphertexts should yield a 256 list of guesses:

>>> gkeys = []
>>> for c in tciphertexts:                          # byexample: +timeout=10
...     gk = freq_attack(c, most_common, ntop)
...     gk  = brute_force(c, score_func=all_in_alphabet, key_space=gk)
...     gkeys.append(gk)

This a product and the set will grow exponentially:

>>> from cryptonita.fuzzy_set import len_join_fuzzy_sets
>>> len_join_fuzzy_sets(gkeys)

Considering only the most likely key stream:

>>> from cryptonita.fuzzy_set import join_fuzzy_sets
>>> kstream = join_fuzzy_sets(gkeys, cut_off=1, j=B('')).most_likely()

The resulting decrypted text was nice performance of almost 60% of success:

>>> decrypted = ciphertext ^ kstream.inf()

>>> hits = sum((p==d for p, d in zip(plaintext, decrypted)))
>>> hits / len(plaintext)

Here are some extract of the decrypted text. See how some words are perfectly visible like “aitn’t”, “soul”, “I’m” and “degree”.

>>> [d[:80] for d in decrypted.nblocks(256)[:8]]
["[IntsyH\nOtaf.9wanillas' dsond'tit worae5ln\na chair,7yea3\nVfoCltxi'll lhock 'tj'c",
 "rn mx6foxvsd ciis ain't yh.jorropl\nIt-cyfmCshed my ehymw, edIamj, I'm'brawin6'so",
 "quipqsq axt  cie best\nMael.anhtitr onh!slr\nice, let7the2midsEppv'e retr\nJust1knt",
 "nce\nCsvacbehI7sock with qkovou,!yard lr5oiLesaver\nYxu aakec!Loj9-ope,'na...tyfs ",
 "eal fyzd8?.!ncn a new phvtk, mulain' xq5whO airwaved\nAnv nhv\nywlnre ajgzed 'rfrt",
 "w my!eayzt,hmn!soul, up xi.thb epnce kmzlr I wanna'7see2ya !Yhyr,, shfme and1ton",
 " thao6ahs1t iee degree\nYxr.trnee1my syxyf Hut I bury yog sbd I?tiice fhd I'm1dhk",
 "us]\nHb2s6p 8aeuy...come xi .. lde's db!akiY..\n\n[Verde 3O\nYht\ntpp'k it u funy1sh'"]

Final thoughts

cape_hash is symmetric cipher that, despite of having a 65536 bytes length key, the key stream is repeated each 256 of plaintext enabling a cipher only attack.

Even with a short plaintext of just 2852 we got 11 bytes xored with the same key byte and this was enough to get almost 60% of the plaintext.

Based on the documentation

With a theoretical maximum length of 65534 bytes for a single plaintext, we can obtain 256 bytes xored with the same key byte. Virtually any plaintext of that size can be broken completely.

But if such scenario is not plausible, knowing a little more about the plaintext can really improve the attack.

A partially known plaintext of just 256 bytes is fulminant and breaks the ciphering completely.

Crypto is hard and developing a new cipher is harder. The only way to improve in this field is trying, failing, and trying again.

A special thank you to Giovanni Blu Mitolo, the author of cape who made the project open source and asked for feedback to the community.

Related tags: cryptography, cryptonita

Cape Encryption - February 3, 2019 - Martin Di Paola