The Book of Gehn

Breaking MT19937 Crypto

December 23, 2018

The Mersenne-Twister 19937 or just MT19937 is one of the most used pseudo random number generator with a quite large cycle length and with a nice random quality.

However it was not designed to be used for crypto.

– Spoiler Alert! –

But some folks may not know this…

Warming up

Before anything, let’s implement the MT19937 Mersenne Twister RNG

For testing, I’m going to use the following test vector

>>> from cryptonita.attacks.prng import MT19937
>>> from cryptonita import B

>>> f = open('posts/matasano/assets/MT19937.vector', 'rt')
>>> seed = int(f.readline())

>>> expected_rnd_seq = [int(line) for line in f]

>>> g = iter(MT19937(seed))
>>> gen_rnd_seq = [next(g) for i in range(len(expected_rnd_seq))]

>>> expected_rnd_seq == gen_rnd_seq

Cracking (seed space exploration)

It is quite common to find people that use the current time as their secret seed for the generator.

Some even say “but I’m using 64 bits with microsecond resolution so it will impossible to find it by brute force”

>>> import time
>>> secret_seed = int(time.time())
>>> x = next(iter(MT19937(secret_seed)))

Exploring 64 bits is quite hard but the seed is not random, therefore we do not need to explore the whole space but a smaller space.

Instead we just explore the numbers in the vicinity of the current time that turns the crack an MT19937 seed into a much simpler task.

First, assuming that we known the first output of the PRNG, we build an oracle function to tell if we have found or not the secret seed.

>>> from functools import partial

>>> def MT19937_oracle(seed, first_known_output):
...     g = iter(MT19937(seed))
...     return next(g) == first_known_output

>>> oracle = partial(MT19937_oracle, first_known_output=x)

Then, it just rest to test the seed space starting from an educated guess for the secret seed.

For example we could guess that the seed is between 2048 seconds ago and 2 times that in the future.

>>> delta = 2048
>>> start = int(time.time()) - delta
>>> stop = start + delta*2

Now we test each possible seed in that range. search is a handy function for the testing and IntSpace defines a search space with some heuristics like yielding first the numbers in the middle of the range before in the extremes.

>>> from import IntSpace # byexample: +timeout=10
>>> from cryptonita.attacks import search    # byexample: +timeout=10

>>> space = IntSpace(start, stop, start='middle')
>>> search(space, oracle) == secret_seed      # byexample: +timeout=10



Formally, there is not such efficient algorithm that allow an attack to distinguish even with a small probability for large but finite sequences. Eventually with a really large sequences the attacker may break it.

A property that all PRNG cryptographically secure must hold is that even if the attacker knows the partial output of the PRNG he cannot distinguish it from a truly random sequence.

In particular he cannot predict any future output.

The MT19937 does not hold this and it is possible to clone an MT19937 RNG from its output allowing an attacker to predict any future value:

>>> from cryptonita.attacks.prng import clone_mt19937               # byexample: +timeout=10

>>> g = iter(MT19937(secret_seed))
>>> out = [next(g) for i in range(624)]

>>> cg = iter(clone_mt19937(out))

>>> all((next(g) == next(cg)) for i in range(624))

The fundamental problem of the MT19937 is that part of the output generation is a reversible operation.

And this is how we could make the MT19937 a little harder: make the operation non-invertible and making each output byte a function based on the whole secret state adding more entropy and shuffling into the mix.

And because each output byte has a dependency with one and just one single secret byte, from that output byte an attacker can get the single secret byte.

For a 624 output samples, the full secret state of the MT19937 can be obtained.

Cracking a cipher based on a MT19937

From a pseudo random generator we can build a stream of pseudo random bytes, just seeing each number as 4 or 8 bytes:

>>> from cryptonita.conv import repack          # byexample: +timeout=10

>>> prng = iter(MT19937(cfg.n16))
>>> kstream = repack(prng, ifmt='>I', ofmt='>BBBB')

Given this stream we can build a stream cipher just xoring the random stream with the plaintext in a similar way like CTR works

>>> secret = cfg.lnonce     # quite large random "secret" stuff
>>> ciphertext = B(s ^ next(kstream) for s in secret)

>>> clen = len(ciphertext)
>>> clen

Now, let’s assume that we know some part of the plaintext from an unknown position:

>>> at = cfg.n8 % (clen-8)
>>> known_plaintext = secret[at:at+8]

>>> plen = len(known_plaintext)     # quite arbitrary, it could work with less
>>> plen

Create the MT19937 stream cipher and break it

Because the cipher does not use a random secret key (the seed), it is possible to break this ciphering.

First, lets see all the possible substrings of the same length than the known plaintext:

>>> cngrams = ciphertext.ngrams(plen)

Then we could try to xor them with the plain text: all except one of the substring will be just garbage but one will be part of the original secret key stream product of the PRNG.

>>> pngrams = [c ^ known_plaintext for c in cngrams]

Of course we do not know which substring is garbage and which is not.

Out best strategy is to generate a long enough key stream with our guessed seed and see if a substring matches or not.

>>> def oracle(seed):
...     g = iter(MT19937(seed))
...     tmp = repack(g, ifmt='>I', ofmt='>BBBB')
...     stream = B(next(tmp) for _ in range(clen))
...     sngrams = stream.ngrams(plen)
...     count = sum(s == p for s, p in zip(sngrams, pngrams))
...     return count == 1

>>> seed = search(IntSpace(2**16), oracle)                         # byexample: +timeout=300
>>> prng = iter(MT19937(seed))
>>> kstream = repack(prng, ifmt='>I', ofmt='>BBBB')

>>> B(c ^ next(kstream) for c in ciphertext) == secret

Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, MT19937, PRG

Breaking MT19937 Crypto - December 23, 2018 - Martin Di Paola