The Book of Gehn

Fixed Nonce CTR Attack

December 4, 2018

The Counter mode, or just CTR mode, turns a block cipher into a stream cipher.

More specifically, it builds a pseudo random generator (PRG) from a block cipher and then generates a random string using the PRG to encrypt/decrypt the payload performing a simple xor.

The idea is to initialize the PRG with a different seed each time but if this does not happen, all the plaintexts will be encrypted with the same pseudo random key stream – totally insecure.

– Spoiler Alert! –

Ready to break it?

Warming up

Implement CTR, the stream cipher mode

Let’s implement a CTR. As usual we generate a pseudo-random configuration to parametrize the CTR.

>>> bsize = 16

>>> cfg = generate_config(random_state=seed, block_size=bsize,
...                       nonce=0, key=B('YELLOW SUBMARINE'))

Now let’s check that our AES cipher in Counter mode works

>>> ciphertext = B('L77na/nrFsKvynd6HzOoG7GHTLXsTVu9qvY/2syLXzhPweyyMTJULu/6/kXX0KSvoOLSFQ==', encoding=64)

>>> dec_ctr(ciphertext, cfg.key, cfg.nonce)
"Yo, VIP Let's kick it Ice, Ice, baby Ice, Ice, baby "

Break fixed-nonce CTR

If the nonce is fixed, then several independent ciphertext will be encrypted with the same key stream.

Let’s load some plaintexts and let’s encrypt them reusing the same nonce over and over and see if we can break the encryption later.

>>> from cryptonita.conv import transpose, uniform_length    # byexample: +timeout=10
>>> plaintexts = list(load_bytes('./posts/matasano/assets/20.txt', encoding=64))

>>> ciphertexts = [enc_ctr(p, cfg.key, cfg.nonce) for p in plaintexts]

The vulnerability resides in reusing the nonce.

With the same nonce, CTR generates the same random sequence that uses to xor the payload.

In other words, it performs a xor reusing the key stream and we already know how to break a repeating xor key cipher.

Quick recap: because the key stream was reused, the ith byte of all the ciphertexts was xor’d with the same key byte and therefore, xor’ing two ciphertexts will remove the key stream leaving us the xor of the two underlying plaintexts.

We notice that not all the ciphertexts are of the same length so to simplify we need to uniform their lengths.

For example, we could truncate all the ciphertexts to the length of the smallest.

>>> tciphertexts = uniform_length(ciphertexts)
>>> tplaintexts = uniform_length(plaintexts)

Now, because the repeating key is along the column axis (eg, the first byte of all the plaintexts were xored with the same key byte), it is more convenient to transpose them.

>>> tciphertexts_transposed = transpose(tciphertexts)

>>> len(tciphertexts_transposed)    # rows

>>> len(tciphertexts_transposed[0]) # columns

Plaintext statistic model

To perform a frequency attack we need the most common letters of the plaintext.

Given an English text, these are the classical ETAOIN-SHRDLU.

>>> from cryptonita.scoring.freq import etaoin_shrdlu

But consider the first byte of all the plaintexts.

If they are the begin of a sentence it is very likely that they are in uppercase and the first letter of a word may not (and will not) follow the ETAOIN-SHRDLU frequency.

Therefore we need another statistical model, one for the upper case:

>>> from cryptonita.scoring.freq import tsamcin_brped

Yes, I know, tsamcin_brped is a terrible name but it is aligned with etaoin_shrdlu.

Score a decryption using Chi-square test

The frequency attack (freq_attack) implemented in cryptonita returns a guess: a set of possible key bytes.

To determine the correct key we need to try each of them by brute force (brute_force) and “see” which looks more “human text”.

For this we observe the frequency of the letters in the deciphered plaintext and compare them with the expected frequency using a Chi-square test.

In cryptonita, this is implemented in the fit_freq_score function:

>>> from cryptonita.scoring import fit_freq_score

But fit_freq_score can be a little drastic; if the brute force yields none key we roll back and score using a more relaxed score function:

>>> from cryptonita.scoring import all_ascii_printable

As you may guess, all_ascii_printable returns 1 if all the characters in the deciphered plaintext are ASCII and 0 otherwise.

Guess the CTR key stream

Mixing all this together:

>>> from cryptonita.attacks import brute_force, freq_attack
>>> from functools import partial

>>> guesses = []
>>> # we iterate over each column (the i==0 correspond to the first letter)
>>> for i, c in enumerate(tciphertexts_transposed):
...     if i == 0:  # first letter, use a special statistical model
...         most_common = tsamcin_brped()
...     else:
...         most_common = etaoin_shrdlu()
...     # frequency attack, try to find the most likely key bytes
...     # for the ith letter
...     byte_guess = freq_attack(c, most_common, 1)
...     # build a score function using the fit_freq_score parametrized
...     # with the "expected" probabilities from our model
...     # fit_freq_score will take an input and from there it will obtain
...     # the "observed" probabilities and will compare them with the
...     # expected using Chi-Square.
...     score_fun = partial(fit_freq_score, expected_prob=most_common)
...     # Try every possible key byte from our freq_attack scoring
...     # the deciphered outputs with the fit_freq_score. Poor scored
...     # are drop so we should only have left the most likely keys.
...     g = brute_force(c, score_fun, byte_guess)
...     if not g:
...         # but may be fit_freq_score is too restrictive.
...         # rollback to a much lax/loose score function (but with
...         # more false positives)
...         g = brute_force(c, all_ascii_printable, byte_guess)
...     byte_guess = g
...     guesses.append(byte_guess)

Let’s peek how large is our key stream (determined by how we cut the ciphertexts with uniform_length) and how many different keys we have (we are still guessing so there is not one single answer yet)

>>> klength = len(guesses)
>>> klength

>>> from cryptonita.fuzzy_set import len_join_fuzzy_sets
>>> len_join_fuzzy_sets(guesses)

Considere for a moment those numbers. Of 53 characters we initially have a key space of \(256^{53}\), a number that has more than 100 digits.

But with a frequency attack and a good score function we managed to reduce the key space to only 1690.

How close are out guesses?

Let’s build the key stream (still a guess):

>>> from cryptonita.fuzzy_set import join_fuzzy_sets
>>> kstream_guess = join_fuzzy_sets(guesses, cut_off=0, j=B(''))

Now, we take the most likely of our guesses:

>>> kstream = kstream_guess.most_likely()

However this is not enough. This key stream is not the correct one:

>>> tplaintexts[0] == tciphertexts[0] ^ kstream

But we are very close:

>>> sum(p == q for p, q in zip(tplaintexts[0], tciphertexts[0] ^ kstream)) / klength

Not only it is very close, the true key stream is there, in one of our guesses!

>>> any(tplaintexts[0] == tciphertexts[0] ^ kstream for kstream in kstream_guess)

But how we can pick it without cheating? without using tplaintexts as it is supposed to be the unknown here?

Yes, with more brute force!

Speller based score

Brute force, but clever.

We can use a score based on well English written text using a speller

In this case, good_written_word_score takes a aspell.Speller and it will return a score based on how many words in the deciphered text are correctly spelled (weighting each word by its length)

>>> import aspell
>>> from cryptonita.scoring import good_written_word_score

>>> score = partial(good_written_word_score, speller=aspell.Speller(), word_weight_fun=len)
>>> kstream_guess = brute_force(tciphertexts[0], score, kstream_guess)
>>> kstream_guess.cut_off(n=10)

>>> [(p, tciphertexts[0] ^ kstr) for kstr, p in kstream_guess.sorted_items()]     # byexample: +norm-ws
[(1.4946588552783956e-56,   'I\'m rated "R"...this is a warning, ya better void / P'),
 (1.4036747792866314e-56,   'N\'m rated "R"...this is a warning, ya better void / P'),
 (7.026934200276732e-57,    'I\'m ratede"R"...this is a warning, ya better void / P'),
 (6.374212793632498e-57,    'N\'m ratede"R"...this is a warning, ya better void / P'),
 (5.972894070235226e-57,    'I\'m rated "R"...this is a warning, yaebetter void / P'),
 (5.490470454496446e-57,    'I\'m rated "R"...t\'is is a warning, ya better void / P'),
 (5.265568867883322e-57,    'I\'m rated "R"...t&is is a warning, ya better void / P'),
 (5.25603393501155e-57,     'I\'m rated "R"...t!is is a warning, ya better void / P'),
 (5.249351712403237e-57,    'N\'m rated "R"...this is a warning, yaebetter void / P'),
 (5.156250121008111e-57,    'N\'m rated "R"...t\'is is a warning, ya better void / P')]

Our winner is on the top!

>>> kstream = kstream_guess.most_likely()
>>> tciphertexts[0] ^ kstream == tplaintexts[0]

About undistinguishable

Unless we have more knowledge about the plaintexts, we cannot distinguish between i'm rated and I'm rated. :´|

The fact that we hit the correct key stream comes from “we guessed” that the first letter was in uppercase.

Full break (enjoy!)

Break fixed-nonce CTR statistically

>>> all(p == c ^ kstream for p, c in zip(tplaintexts, tciphertexts))

>>> [(c ^ kstream) for c in tciphertexts]
['I\'m rated "R"...this is a warning, ya better void / P',
 'Cuz I came back to attack others in spite- / Strike l',
 "But don't be afraid in the dark, in a park / Not a sc",
 'Ya tremble like a alcoholic, muscles tighten up / Wha',
 'Suddenly you feel like your in a horror flick / You g',
 "Music's the clue, when I come your warned / Apocalyps",
 "Haven't you ever heard of a MC-murderer? / This is th",
 'Death wish, so come on, step to this / Hysterical ide',
 'Friday the thirteenth, walking down Elm Street / You ',
 'This is off limits, so your visions are blurry / All ',
 "Terror in the styles, never error-files / Indeed I'm ",
 'For those that oppose to be level or next to this / I',
 "Worse than a nightmare, you don't have to sleep a win",
 'Flashbacks interfere, ya start to hear: / The R-A-K-I',
 'Then the beat is hysterical / That makes Eric go get ',
 'Soon the lyrical format is superior / Faces of death ',
 "MC's decaying, cuz they never stayed / The scene of a",
 "The fiend of a rhyme on the mic that you know / It's ",
 'Melodies-unmakable, pattern-unescapable / A horn if w',
 'I bless the child, the earth, the gods and bomb the r',
 'Hazardous to your health so be friendly / A matter of',
 "Shake 'till your clear, make it disappear, make the n",
 "If not, my soul'll release! / The scene is recreated,",
 'Cuz your about to see a disastrous sight / A performa',
 'Lyrics of fury! A fearified freestyle! / The "R" is i',
 "Make sure the system's loud when I mention / Phrases ",
 'You want to hear some sounds that not only pounds but',
 'Then nonchalantly tell you what it mean to me / Stric',
 "And I don't care if the whole crowd's a witness! / I'",
 'Program into the speed of the rhyme, prepare to start',
 "Musical madness MC ever made, see it's / Now an emerg",
 "Open your mind, you will find every word'll be / Furi",
 "Battle's tempting...whatever suits ya! / For words th",
 "You think you're ruffer, then suffer the consequences",
 'I wake ya with hundreds of thousands of volts / Mic-t',
 'Novocain ease the pain it might save him / If not, Er',
 "Yo Rakim, what's up? / Yo, I'm doing the knowledge, E",
 'Well, check this out, since Norby Walters is our agen',
 'Kara Lewis is our agent, word up / Zakia and 4th and ',
 "Okay, so who we rollin' with then? We rollin' with Ru",
 'Check this out, since we talking over / This def beat',
 'I wanna hear some of them def rhymes, you know what I',
 "Thinkin' of a master plan / 'Cuz ain't nuthin' but sw",
 'So I dig into my pocket, all my money is spent / So I',
 "So I start my mission, leave my residence / Thinkin' ",
 'I need money, I used to be a stick-up kid / So I thin',
 "I used to roll up, this is a hold up, ain't nuthin' f",
 "But now I learned to earn 'cuz I'm righteous / I feel",
 'Search for a nine to five, if I strive / Then maybe I',
 "So I walk up the street whistlin' this / Feelin' out ",
 'A pen and a paper, a stereo, a tape of / Me and Eric ',
 'Fish, which is my favorite dish / But without no mone',
 "'Cuz I don't like to dream about gettin' paid / So I ",
 'So now to test to see if I got pull / Hit the studio,',
 'Rakim, check this out, yo / You go to your girl house',
 "'Cause my girl is definitely mad / 'Cause it took us ",
 "Yo, I hear what you're saying / So let's just pump th",
 'And count our money / Yo, well check this out, yo Eli',
 'Turn down the bass down / And let the beat just keep ',
 'And we outta here / Yo, what happened to peace? / Pea']

Break fixed-nonce CTR - Second chance

Break fixed-nonce CTR mode using substitutions

Let’s take another set of plaintexts, encrypt them with a fixed-nonce CTR and break the encryption.

>>> plaintexts = list(load_bytes('./posts/matasano/assets/19.txt', encoding=64))
>>> ciphertexts = [enc_ctr(p, cfg.key, cfg.nonce) for p in plaintexts]

>>> tplaintexts = uniform_length(plaintexts)
>>> tciphertexts = uniform_length(ciphertexts)
>>> tciphertexts_transposed = transpose(tciphertexts)
>>> guesses = []
>>> for i, c in enumerate(tciphertexts_transposed):
...     if i == 0:  # first letter, use a special statistical model
...         most_common = etaoin_shrdlu()
...     else:
...         most_common = etaoin_shrdlu()
...     byte_guess = freq_attack(c, most_common, 1)
...     g = brute_force(c, partial(fit_freq_score, expected_prob=most_common), byte_guess)
...     if not g:   # fit_freq_score was too hard, rollback to a more soft score func
...         g = brute_force(c, all_ascii_printable, byte_guess)
...     byte_guess = g
...     guesses.append(byte_guess)

>>> klength = len(guesses)
>>> klength

>>> len_join_fuzzy_sets(guesses)

>>> kstream_guess = join_fuzzy_sets(guesses, cut_off=0, j=B(''))
>>> kstream = kstream_guess.most_likely()

>>> tciphertexts[1] ^ kstream
'c*ming {ith vivid fa'

Quite close. By manual inspection the correct plaintext should be Coming with vivid fa.

With a known plaintext breaking the rest of the key bytes is trivial:

>>> correction = tciphertexts[1] ^ kstream ^ B(b'Coming with vivid fa')
>>> kstream = kstream ^ correction

>>> all(p == c ^ kstream for p, c in zip(tplaintexts, tciphertexts))

>>> [(c ^ kstream) for c in tciphertexts]
['I have met them at c',
 'Coming with vivid fa',
 'From counter or desk',
 'Eighteenth-century h',
 'I have passed with a',
 'Or polite meaningles',
 'Or have lingered awh',
 'Polite meaningless w',
 'And thought before I',
 'Of a mocking tale or',
 'To please a companio',
 'Around the fire at t',
 'Being certain that t',
 'But lived where motl',
 'All changed, changed',
 'A terrible beauty is',
 "That woman's days we",
 'In ignorant good wil',
 'Her nights in argume',
 'Until her voice grew',
 'What voice more swee',
 'When young and beaut',
 'She rode to harriers',
 'This man had kept a ',
 'And rode our winged ',
 'This other his helpe',
 'Was coming into his ',
 'He might have won fa',
 'So sensitive his nat',
 'So daring and sweet ',
 'This other man I had',
 'A drunken, vain-glor',
 'He had done most bit',
 'To some who are near',
 'Yet I number him in ',
 'He, too, has resigne',
 'In the casual comedy',
 'He, too, has been ch',
 'Transformed utterly:',
 'A terrible beauty is']

Final thoughts

ETAOIN SHRDLU is a statistical model for letter frequency in English and it was used to break most of the key stream bytes but its strength depends exclusively in how well the model represents the underlying plaintext.

For the case of the first letter of all the plaintexts it was upper case and the ETAOIN SHRDLU model didn’t work and it was extended later.

Once that we have a guess, filter them out requires more knowledge about the plaintext.

Requiring to be the decrypted text plain ASCII is simple but too open; requiring to follow the English statistical model using a Chi-square test (fit_freq_score) is stricter.

However, like before, the statistical model only applies for long sequences (samples) and only if the underlying plaintexts are what one could expect.

A liberal scoring function like all_ascii_printable serves as a backup and it is better than nothing.

Even with all of this, the most likely key stream guess may not be the correct one, inclusive, none of the key stream guesses may be the correct one!

Correcting a key stream using more information about the plaintext like using a speller can narrow the search area further but there is no warranties.

Sometimes you will need to relay in your own brain and do a manual fix.

Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, CTR, counter nonce, PRG, chi-square, undistinguishable

Fixed Nonce CTR Attack - December 4, 2018 - Martin Di Paola