The Book of Gehn

CBC Padding Oracle Attack

October 28, 2018

AES and other ciphers work on blocks; if the plaintext length is not multiple of the block size a padding is added.

If during the decryption the pad is checked and returns an error, we can use this to build a padding oracle: a function that will tell us if an encrypted plaintext has a valid pad or not.

It may not sound too much exiting but armed with this padding oracle we can break CBC one byte at time.

– Spoiler Alert! –

Ready? Go!

Padding oracle

Consider the following plaintext of 15 bytes:

>>> from cryptonita import B, load_bytes     # byexample: +timeout=10
>>> m = B('AAAABBBBAAAA\x03\x03\x03')
>>> len(m)

Now, if we pad this using pkcs#7 to complete a 16 bytes block, the last byte will be 01:

>>> mpadded = B(m.pad(16, 'pkcs#7'), mutable=True)
>>> mpadded[-1]

Now, if we change the last byte (we forge it), the unpad of the forged block will success or not based on what byte we set.

Here is what I mean.

There are three possible outcomes based on this last byte:

Padding check cases

The first case happen with the forged byte is actually the original the last byte.

>>> mpadded[-1] = 0x01
>>> mpadded.unpad('pkcs#7')

The second case happen because our forged byte generates, by luck, another valid padding sequence.

>>> mpadded[-1] = 0x03
>>> mpadded.unpad('pkcs#7')

The third and last case happen with any other byte:

>>> mpadded[-1] = 0x02
>>> mpadded.unpad('pkcs#7')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Bad padding 'pkcs#7' with last byte 0x2

>>> mpadded[-1] = 0xff
>>> mpadded.unpad('pkcs#7')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Bad padding 'pkcs#7' with last byte 0xff

Armed with this we can build a padding oracle for CBC: a function that will tell us if an encrypted plaintext has a valid pad or not.

>>> def decrypt_and_unpad_oracle(c):
...     iv, c = c[:bsize], c[bsize:]
...     p = dec_cbc(c, cfg.key, iv) # do not use cfg.iv ;)
...     try:
...         p.unpad('pkcs#7')
...         return True
...     except Exception as e:
...         return False

CBC decryption and padding

Let’s be \(m\) the ith plaintext block, \(c\) the i-1th ciphertext block and \(x\) the decryption of the ith ciphertext block.

Then, we can say that for CBC the plaintext block \(m\) is reconstructed from this:

$$x \oplus c = m$$

Let’s say now that instead of \(c\) we use \(c'\), a forged ciphertext block, if we are reconstructing the last plaintext block, this one will be:

$$x \oplus c' = ?$$

Now, because this is the last block, this will affect the padding of the final plaintext.

The padding will be ok only if \(x \oplus c'\) is equals to one of these:

    [?  ?  ?  ... ?  ?  01]
    [?  ?  ?  ... ?  02 02]
    [?  ?  ?  ... 03 03 03]
    [?  0f 0f ... 0f 0f 0f]
    [10 10 10 ... 10 10 10]

Given this fact and using a padding oracle we can break CBC one byte at time.

Guess the last byte

For the plaintext block \(m\), let’s be \(m_1\), the last byte of the block.

Using the same convention, this last byte is

$$x_1 \oplus c_1 = m_1$$

If instead of \(c_1\) we use a forged last byte \(c'_1\), the decrypted byte will be

$$x_1 \oplus c'_1 = ?$$

The decrypted message will have a valid padding only if:

$$\begin{cases} x_1 \oplus c'_1 = 01 & (1)\\ x_1 \oplus c'_1 = pp & (2) \end{cases}$$

The case 2 means that \(x_1 \oplus c'_1\) is equal to the original padding byte and this will happen only if \(c'_1 = c_1\) or in other words if we didn’t forge anything.

It doesn’t add much info.

The case 1 is more juicy as this is the other case with a valid padding and, by definition, it must be 01.


$$\begin{align*} x_1 \oplus c'_1 & = 01 \\ x_1 & = 01 \oplus c'_1 \end{align*}$$

So we learnt \(x_1\) and from here it is trivial to break the last plaintext byte:

$$\begin{align*} x_1 \oplus c_1 & = m_1 \\ (01 \oplus c'_1) \oplus c_1 & = m_1 \end{align*}$$

as \(c'_1\) is our forged byte and \(c_1\) is the last byte of the previous ciphertext block, all of them known by us.

The case 1 and 2 are easily identified as in the second case \(c'_1 = c_1\).

There is, however, a special situation in which the case 1 and 2 are the same: this happens when the original padding byte is actually 01.

Nevertheless, the equation \((01 \oplus c'_1) \oplus c_1 = m_1\) is still true.

Guess the penultimate byte

Knowing \(x_1\) we can forge the value of \(m_1\) to 02:

$$\begin{align*} x_1 \oplus c'_1 & = 02 \\ c'_1 & = (02 \oplus x_1) \end{align*}$$

This \(c'_1\) is not the same than the previous section: it is a different forged byte used to forge a 02 in the last value of the plaintext.

With this, the penultimate byte will forge a plaintext with a valid padding only if:

$$x_2 \oplus c'_2 = 02$$

Then, for the case of a valid padding we can guess \(x_2\) and therefore \(m_2\):

$$\begin{align*} x_2 \oplus c'_2 & = 02 \\ x_2 & = (02 \oplus c'_2) \end{align*}$$ $$\begin{align*} x_2 \oplus c_2 & = m_2 \\ (02 \oplus c'_2) \oplus c_2 & = m_2 \end{align*}$$

At difference with guessing the last byte, in this scenario there is only one possible value for a valid padding: 02

Guessing the rest of the bytes in a block

Now we just repeat.

Break the last byte first, use that to forge the last byte in the plaintext to 01 and break the penultimate byte.

Then use those two to forge the last two bytes of the plaintext to 02 02 and break the third.

And so on till you break the whole block

>>> def break_cbc_last_block(cblocks, bsize, oracle):
...     prev_cblock = cblocks[-2]
...     x = B(range(bsize, 0, -1), mutable=True)
...     x ^= prev_cblock
...     for i in range(bsize-1, -1, -1):
...         prefix = prev_cblock[:i]
...         padn   = B(bsize-i)
...         posfix = B(padn * (bsize-i-1)) ^ x[i+1:]
...         # forge the penultimate ciphertext block
...         cblocks[-2] = B(prefix + B(0) + posfix, mutable=True)
...         for n in range(256):
...             if prev_cblock[i] == n:
...                 continue
...             # update the forged byte
...             cblocks[-2][i] = n
...             forged_ciphertext = B.join(cblocks)
...             good = oracle(forged_ciphertext)
...             if good:
...                 x[i] = (padn ^ B(n))
...                 break
...     cblocks[-2] = prev_cblock   # restore backup
...     x ^= prev_cblock
...     return x    # plain text block
>>> plaintext = B('MDAwMDAwTm93IHRoYXQgdGhlIHBhcnR5IGlzIGp1bXBpbmc=', encoding=64)
>>> ciphertext = cfg.iv + enc_cbc(plaintext.pad(bsize, 'pkcs#7'), cfg.key, cfg.iv)

>>> cblocks = list(ciphertext.nblocks(bsize))

>>> break_cbc_last_block(cblocks, bsize, decrypt_and_unpad_oracle)

Break CBC

Now we just need to repeat the whole thing again for each block: once we break the last block we remove it from the ciphertext and we repeat the attack to until all the ciphertext blocks are decrypted.

>>> p = []
>>> while len(cblocks) > 1:
...     p.append(break_cbc_last_block(cblocks, bsize, decrypt_and_unpad_oracle))
...     del cblocks[-1]

>>> p.reverse()
>>> decripted = B('').join(p).unpad("pkcs#7")

>>> decripted
'000000Now that the party is jumping'

>>> decripted == plaintext

This attack is implemented in cryptonita. Here is a set of different ciphertexts to break.

This unlocks the The CBC padding oracle challenge.


>>> plaintexts = list(load_bytes('./posts/matasano/assets/17.txt', encoding=64))
>>> ciphertexts = [cfg.iv + enc_cbc(p.pad(bsize, 'pkcs#7'), cfg.key, cfg.iv) for p in plaintexts]

>>> from cryptonita.attacks.block_ciphers import decrypt_cbc_padding_attack
>>> brokens = [decrypt_cbc_padding_attack(c, bsize, decrypt_and_unpad_oracle) for c in ciphertexts] # byexample: +timeout 20
>>> brokens = [p.unpad("pkcs#7") for p in brokens]

>>> plaintexts == brokens

>>> brokens
['000000Now that the party is jumping',
 "000001With the bass kicked in and the Vega's are pumpin'",
 '000002Quick to the point, to the point, no faking',
 "000003Cooking MC's like a pound of bacon",
 "000004Burning 'em, if you ain't quick and nimble",
 '000005I go crazy when I hear a cymbal',
 '000006And a high hat with a souped up tempo',
 "000007I'm on a roll, it's time to go solo",
 "000008ollin' in my five point oh",
 '000009ith my rag-top down so my hair can blow']

Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, CBC, cipher block chaining, padding oracle

CBC Padding Oracle Attack - October 28, 2018 - Martin Di Paola