The Book of Gehn

CBC Bitflipping

July 3, 2018

CBC does not offer any protection against an active attacker.

Flipping some bits in a ciphertext block totally scrambles its plaintext but it has a very specific effect in the next plaintext block.

– Spoiler Alert! –

Without any message integrity, a CBC ciphertext can be patched to modify the plaintext at will.

Warming up

But first, let’s define a random configuration with some fixed values like the block size or the encryption mode:

>>> block_size = 16     # leave this fixed, it is what happen in practice

>>> cfg = generate_config(random_state=seed, block_size=block_size,
...         enc_mode='cbc',
...         prefix = "comment1=cooking%20MCs;userdata=",
...         posfix = ";comment2=%20like%20a%20pound%20of%20bacon")

Take the following toy-function to insert the user’s data (possibly its profile) between the cfg.prefix and cfg.posfix strings and then encrypt it:

>>> def add_user_data(m):
...     assert ';' not in m and '=' not in m
...     msg = B(cfg.prefix + m + cfg.posfix).pad(block_size, 'pkcs#7')
...     return enc_cbc(msg, cfg.key, cfg.iv)

That function leaves in a server but the adversary (us) is free to inject almost any data as the "userdata" field.

Now imagine this quite-dumb role-check function that process the user’s data: if one of the fields is admin=true the user will be considered an Administrator:

>>> def is_admin(c):
...     msg = dec_cbc(c, cfg.key, cfg.iv).unpad('pkcs#7')
...     return b'admin=true' in msg.split(b';')

We cannot add just admin=true, it would be too easy:

>>> add_user_data('some;admin=true;bar')

So the idea is to patch the ciphertext.

Bit flipping attack

Recall that in CBC a ciphertext block is xored with the output of the decryption of the next ciphertext block to get the next plaintext block.

If we modify one ciphertext block its decryption will be totally scrambled but we will have control of the next plaintext block.

We don’t know if our inject plaintext will be aligned to the block size boundary. To ensure that we inject padding of twice the block size that warranties that at least one block will be full with our As

Let’s create a ciphertext with enough As to get at least one plaintext block full of As

>>> c = add_user_data('A' * block_size * 2)
>>> is_admin(c)

Now we can create the patch: the plaintext that we want xored with the plaintext that was encrypted:

>>> patch = B(';admin=true;') ^ B('A').inf()
>>> patch = patch.pad(block_size, 'zeros')

Finally, we apply the patch targeting the ciphertext block of the full of As

>>> c = B(c, mutable=True)
>>> cblocks = c.nblocks(block_size)
>>> cblocks[2] ^= patch

>>> is_admin(B(c))

CBC bitflipping attacks challenge unlock!

Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, CBC, cipher block chaining, forgery, forge, bit flipping

CBC Bitflipping - July 3, 2018 - Martin Di Paola