The Book of Gehn

Cut and Paste ECB blocks

July 1, 2018

In this game we control partially a plaintext that is encrypted under ECB mode with a secret key.

This time the idea is not to reveal the key but to forge a plaintext.

– Spoiler Alert! –

Welcome to the ECB cut-and-paste challenge!

Prelude: profile request

Imagen a scenario where two parties send encrypted messages using AES in ECB mode.

Consider the following function that builds a ciphertext from an hypothetical “create profile for a new user”:

>>> from cryptonita import B                # byexample: +timeout=10

>>> def profile_request_for(email):
...     assert b'&' not in email
...     assert b'=' not in email
...     assert b'@'     in email
...     msg = B(b'email=%s&uid=10&role=user' % email)
...     msg = msg.pad(block_size, 'pkcs#7')
...     return enc_ecb(msg, cfg.key, block_size)

>>> c = profile_request_for(b'')
>>> c

The profile_request_for can create as many user as we want but all of them will have the same privilege level or role: user.

The adversary (us) can call this function as many times as he/she wants but it cannot neither change it (like disabling the checks) nor peak the secret key.

Prelude: profile creation

Then the ciphertext can be sent to a server where the given credentials are stored and the profile is “created”.

>>> from urllib.parse import parse_qs
>>> def create_profile(encrypted_request):
...     msg = dec_ecb(encrypted_request, cfg.key, block_size)
...     msg = msg.unpad('pkcs#7')
...     return parse_qs(msg, strict_parsing=True)

>>> create_profile(c)
{b'email': [b''], b'role': [b'user'], b'uid': [b'10']}

Forgery (naive try)

It would be cool to forge role=admin with an injection there but it is not possible.

>>> profile_request_for(b'')

Let’s forge anyways with cryptonita.

Forgery (as crypto pro)

Block alignment

In principle our partial plaintext is inserted at some fixed but unknown position.

The first step is to know where.

The key insight is that if we insert 2 full and aligned blocks we will get 2 identical ciphertext blocks.

So we insert these and slowly add one extra byte at time until we get the two identical ciphertext blocks.

The alignment required was exactly the amount of extra bytes inserted.

>>> for alignment in range(block_size):
...     c = profile_request_for(B('@' * (block_size * 2 + alignment)))
...     indexes = list(c.nblocks(block_size).iduplicates(distance=0, idx_of='both'))
...     if indexes:
...         break

>>> alignment

iduplicates gives us the index of the first of the duplicated blocks, marking the end of the needed padding:

>>> indexes[0]

Of course we could cheat a little! If the prefix is known, we just do the maths:

>>> block_size - len("email=")

Crafting the email

profile_request_for will encrypt for us anything, as long as the email is a “valid email”.

We can prepare specially crafted one:

>>> align_pad = B('A' * alignment)
>>> target = B('admin').pad(block_size, 'pkcs#7')
>>> posfix = B('')

>>> crafted_email = align_pad + target + posfix
>>> crafted_email

The align_pad ensures that what follows ("admin") is at the begin of a block.

The target is a full block with the string "admin" and a padding as if it were at the end of the plaintext (which it is not).

The posfix just completes the crafting so the whole looks an email address.

Cut the block

Now we encrypt the crafted profile. The trick is that we know that a full block will be the encryption of "admin" and we know exactly where.

This is because EBC encrypts all the blocks in the same way, no matter where they are.

>>> c = profile_request_for(crafted_email)
>>> cut = c.nblocks(block_size)[indexes[0]]

Paste the block

Now, the final step.

In a real case you will also make your that the email is a valid one: the whole thing is about getting you an admin.

If you cannot login later, it would be pointless.

We craft another email but this time the goal is to align the role= plaintext at the end of the block.

In other words, what follows role= must be at the begin of the next block.

Then we paste the block.

In its replacement we will put our crafted cipher block.

>>> c = profile_request_for(b'')
>>> forged = B(c, mutable=True)
>>> forged[-block_size:] = cut

How many A we need to add will depend: I tried several times using create_profile as oracle until I got the payload aligned such the last boundary matched and no error was throw.


Voila!, the plaintext is recovered by the server, the padding removed and we get a admin profile.

>>> create_profile(B(forged))
{b'email': [b''],
 b'role': [b'admin'],
 b'uid': [b'10']}

Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, ECB, forgery, forge

Cut and Paste ECB blocks - July 1, 2018 - Martin Di Paola