The Book of Gehn

Breaking ECB

June 10, 2018

– Spoiler Alert! –

In the previous post we built an ECB/CBC oracle; now it’s time to take this to the next level and break ECB one byte at time.

Generating secrets

We will use the same setup of the previous post but this time, our objective will decrypt ECB without the key.

In fact, there are two challenges: the simple and the harder versions. We will break the harder of course.

Remember that we will have a secret payload appended to the attacker-controlled plaintext and it is the objective for the byte-at-a-time ECB decryption challenge..

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append("./posts/matasano/assets")

>>> from cryptonita import B, load_bytes     # byexample: +timeout=10
>>> from challenge import enc_ecb, generate_config

>>> seed = 20180610
>>> block_size = 16
>>> secret = B('Um9sbGluJyBpbiBteSA1LjAKV2l0aCBteSByYWctdG9wIGRvd24gc28gbXkg' +
...            'aGFpciBjYW4gYmxvdwpUaGUgZ2lybGllcyBvbiBzdGFuZGJ5IHdhdmluZyBq' +
...            'dXN0IHRvIHNheSBoaQpEaWQgeW91IHN0b3A/IE5vLCBJIGp1c3QgZHJvdmUg' +
...            'YnkK', encoding=64)

>>> cfg = generate_config(random_state=seed, block_size=block_size, posfix=secret)

>>> # pick the random prefix and let it fixed (constant)
>>> cfg = generate_config(cfg, prefix=cfg.prefix)

This is our encryption oracle:

>>> def encryption_oracle(partial_plaintext):
...     global cfg
...     cfg = generate_config(cfg) # update the random attributes
...     block_size = cfg.kargs['block_size']
...     # prepend + append with two random strings; pad it later
...     plaintext = cfg.prefix + partial_plaintext + cfg.posfix
...     plaintext = plaintext.pad(block_size, cfg.pad_mode)
...     return enc_ecb(plaintext, cfg.key, block_size)

Block alignment

The prepended payload is constant but it is still unknown to the us/adversary.

Before proceed we need to know for how many bytes our attacker-controlled payload is misaligned.

Basically we start with a plaintext of twice the size of the block size and we add one byte at time.

When we find two consecutive cipher blocks that are the same, we are done.

The amount of extra bytes that we added is the answer.

>>> for alignment in range(block_size):
...     c = encryption_oracle(B('a' * (block_size * 2 + alignment)))
...     if c.nblocks(block_size).has_duplicates(distance=0):
...         break

>>> alignment

>>> len(cfg.prefix) == block_size - alignment

Get the penguin!

Now, with our blocks aligned, we can set as our plaintext two identical blocks but the last one will have one byte less.

This missing byte will be filled by the next secret plaintext byte ?, unknown by us:

These two blocks will yield the same two cipher blocks only if the last byte of the first block (x) is equal to the last byte of the second block (?)

The beauty of this is that no matter if the key used to encrypt changes, this will still work as long as the plaintext does not change.

Even if the length of the prefix (plaintext before our controlled part) changes, as long as it changes in a small range, it is just a matter of trying more times.

The first block (aaax) is our probe block used to probe and find the unknown byte ?.

The second partial block (aaa) is used to align the unknown plaintext so the first unknown byte is in place at the end of this block, named as align block.

After found the value of ? we shift the unknown plaintext on byte to the left and we continue breaking one byte at time.

After breaking block_size bytes, we cannot shift to the left further.

But what we can do is to add an extra block: the probe block will not be testing its next block but the block that is 1 block to the right:

The following is an implementation of the previous algorithm from cryptonita that breaks the ECB cipher using a oracle.

>>> from cryptonita.attacks.block_ciphers import decrypt_ecb_tail

>>> t = decrypt_ecb_tail(alignment, block_size, encryption_oracle)  # byexample: +timeout 10
>>> t = t.unpad('pkcs#7')
>>> t == secret

>>> t   # byexample: +norm-ws
"Rollin' in my 5.0\nWith my rag-top down so my hair can blow\nThe girlies on
standby waving just to say hi\nDid you stop? No, I just drove by\n"

Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, ECB

Breaking ECB - June 10, 2018 - Martin Di Paola