The Book of Gehn

Breaking Vigenere

May 1, 2018

A plaintext was encrypted via a XOR with key of unknown bytes of length, repeating this key as much as needed to cover the full length of the plaintext.

This is also known as the Vigenere cipher.

It is 101 cipher, which it is easy to break in theory, but it has more than one challenge hidden to be resolve in the practice.

– Spoiler Alert! –

Shall we?

Hamming distance (at bit level)

Given two messages of the same length, the Hamming Distance consists in counting how many bits one differ of the other.

In other words, we do an xor between the messages and count how many ones we get.

$$\mbox{count-1-bits} \left( c_1 ⊕ c_2 \right) \rightarrow \mbox{hamming-distance} \left( c_1, c_2 \right)$$

Here is an example:

>>> from cryptonita import B                # byexample: +timeout=10
>>> B('this is a test').hamming_distance(B('wokka wokka!!!'))

Guessing the length of the key

We will compute the Hamming distance between blocks of different lengths.

Most of the case we will be computing the distance between 2 random ciphertext blocks.

$$\begin{align*} \\ c_1 ⊕ c_2 & = \left( p_1 ⊕ k_i \right) ⊕ \left( p_2 ⊕ k_j \right) \\ & = \left( p_1 ⊕ p_2 \right) ⊕ \left( k_i ⊕ k_j \right) \end{align*}$$

But if we hit the length of the key, \(k_i = k_j\) and the xor of 2 ciphertext blocks will cancel out the random bits from the key exposing the xor of 2 plaintext blocks.

$$\begin{align*} \\ c_1 ⊕ c_2 & = \left( p_1 ⊕ k_i \right) ⊕ \left( p_2 ⊕ k_j \right) \\ & = \left( p_1 ⊕ p_2 \right) ⊕ \left( k_i ⊕ k_j \right) \\ & = \left( p_1 ⊕ p_2 \right) \end{align*}$$

The idea is that the Hamming distance of them will be significantly shorter.

Compute the Hamming distance between consecutive blocks of the same length and takes the maximum. Then scores it.

Scores closer to 1 means smaller distances and therefore the blocks of ciphertext looks that were xor’d with the same key as the xor of two blocks looks less random.

Scores closer to 0 are the opposite: the xor of two blocks still looks random.

This is exactly what key_length_by_hamming_distance does: scores how likely a length is computing the Hamming distance between blocks of a given length.

>>> from cryptonita.scoring import key_length_by_hamming_distance

>>> ciphertext = B(open('./posts/matasano/assets/6.txt'), encoding=64)

>>> key_length_by_hamming_distance(ciphertext, length=3)

>>> key_length_by_hamming_distance(ciphertext, length=29)

Instead of testing by hand we can use the scoring function and explore the full range of possible lengths and score each one keeping only the more likely.

An educated guess would be to explore the lengths between 1 and 40

>>> from cryptonita.scoring import scoring

>>> lengths_hd = scoring(ciphertext, space=range(1, 41),
...                      score_func=key_length_by_hamming_distance)

There isn’t a single response, of course.

This method guesses the length of the key so we have a set of possible values, ones more likely than others.

For this, scoring returns a Fuzzy Set where each possible length has a probability linked to it.

Here are the top 5 more likely lengths that got the highest scores (and the lowest Hamming distance)

>>> l = lengths_hd.copy()
>>> l.cut_off(n=5)
>>> l
{29 -> 0.5819, 40 -> 0.5500, 36 -> 0.5417, 38 -> 0.5362, 35 -> 0.5357}

Index of coincidence

But because we are rebels, we will guess the length of the key using another scoring function: the Index of Coincidences.

>>> from cryptonita.scoring import key_length_by_ic

>>> lengths_ic = scoring(ciphertext, space=range(1, 41),
...                      score_func=key_length_by_ic, min_score=0.01)

>>> l = lengths_ic.copy()
>>> l.cut_off(n=5)
>>> l
{29 -> 0.0598, 40 -> 0.0235, 30 -> 0.0232, 10 -> 0.0230, 26 -> 0.0223}

Score of each guess by method.

Both methods agree on being 29 the most likely length but as the plot shows, both methods have quite different behaviours too.

Guessing one byte at time

What I will do now is to pick the 0, l, 2l … bytes from the ciphertext (multiples of the particular length l).

If the length guessed is correct, all those bytes should had been encrypted with the same byte key.

And we already know how to break a ciphertext encrypted with a single byte key!

So we need to do this for all the offsets between 0 and l. In other words:

To break this, we will need the frequency of etaoin shrdlu (I’m assuming that the plaintext is in ASCII human plain English):

>>> from cryptonita.fuzzy_set import FuzzySet
>>> most_common_plain_ngrams = FuzzySet({
...     B('a'): 0.072466082820916, B(' '): 0.112705299864243,
...     B('d'): 0.037737020966984, B('e'): 0.112705299864243,
...     B('h'): 0.054072279749071, B('i'): 0.061809566907126,
...     B('l'): 0.035713968820153, B('n'): 0.059884118153344,
...     B('o'): 0.066609879237984, B('r'): 0.053122864925777,
...     B('s'): 0.05613969707456,  B('t'): 0.08035421158641,
...     B('u'): 0.02447183254807,})

Now, we will break the key byte a byte using a frequency attack:

>>> from cryptonita.attacks import brute_force, freq_attack
>>> from cryptonita.scoring import all_ascii_printable

>>> length = (lengths_hd | lengths_ic).most_likely()
>>> bytes_of_key = []

>>> for i in range(length):
...     c = B(ciphertext[i::length])
...     byte_guess = freq_attack(c, most_common_plain_ngrams, 1)
...     byte_guess = brute_force(c, all_ascii_printable, byte_guess, min_score=0.01)
...     bytes_of_key.append(byte_guess)

Breaking the key

Now what we got is a guess for each byte of the key.

All the keys possible are the combination of those:

       guesses for 1st byte  <-  bytes_of_key[0]
         |        guesses for 2nd byte  <-  bytes_of_key[1]
         |          |      guesses for 3rd byte  <-  bytes_of_key[2]
      --------    -----    -----
    [{a0 a1 a2}, {b0 b1}, {c0 c1}, ...] = bytes_of_key

        a0          b0      c0     ...  = possible key 0
        a0          b0      c1     ...  = possible key 1
        a0          b1      c0     ...  = possible key 2
        a0          b1      c1     ...  = possible key 3
        :           :       :                   :   :
        a2          b1      c1     ...  = possible key

Fortunately we can use the probabilities in our favor.

Each byte guess is a fuzzy set where some possible bytes are more likely than others:

>>> bytes_of_key[3]
{'m' -> 0.1127, '!' -> 0.0357}

So, for the 4th byte, it is more likely that is a 'm' than a '!'

What we need is to join all the sets discard the unlikely keys and just save the most likely:

>>> keys = FuzzySet.join(bytes_of_key, cut_off=0.0, j=B(''))

>>> len(keys)

More keys than grams of ordinary mass in the observable universe

120 is a really small number compared with the whole key space 2^(8*29)

And only a few of them are more likely than others:

>>> keys.cut_off(n=2)
>>> print(repr(keys))
{'Terminator X: Bring the noise' -> 0.0000, 'Terminator X: Br,ng the noise' -> 0.0000}

Voila! These two keys are the two most probably ones. In fact, those two have the same probability to be correct.

You probably guessed which is the one

>>> key = sorted(keys)[1]

>>> ciphertext ^ key.inf()
<...>I'm back and I'm ringin' the bell<...>Play that funky music<...>

Vanilla Ice - Play that Funky Music

Break repeating-key XOR done.

Related tags: cryptography, matasano, cryptonita, vigenere

Breaking Vigenere - May 1, 2018 - Martin Di Paola